Jean-Luc Lemur


I’m reading Making History by Stephen Fry. It’s a good take on changing history going wrong in the one of the most morally horrifying ways you can think of.* Plus there’s a lot of spoofing of both nineties Britain and grad student life, which a lot of people here would enjoy.

I imagine a casting director in a room full of Pacific Islanders is going “d’oh!” now.

With respect to the last point, have you considered importing an electronic toilet from Japan?

Roll, roll, roll in the hay…

It’s the weakest of the forces, so I’m sure we’ll be fine without it.

There’s also the fact that if you orate like someone from before the invention of the television on television you’ll look absolutely crazy. TV requires a much lower-key style of speaking than the old-fashion Teddy Roosevelt-style campaigning.

“I like Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar, Napoleon, Bismarck, and the leaders in Dune”

Well, Everett said he’d “get shit done,” and that certainly does count as shit.

I’d forgotten Bartlet was from New Hampshire—really, he was way, way too liberal and not nearly weird enough to have even been elected governor there.

Let’s not leave out Ron Wyden, shall we?

So my boner is (grammatically) feminine?

I was just watching The Last Emperor special features and they just mentioned this in connection to Sakamoto, so it’s a really weird coincidence that I put this on my to-watch list at roughly the same time this was posted here.

“…who knows all about genitals getting pounded” is the line of the article for me.

…you've for the tallest man in the world, a guy who’s just a head…

Waves sword

You know, I don't know the exact pronunciation but I believe it’s ménage à trois.

Could you pay me to see it? That’s the only way it’s happening.
