Jean-Luc Lemur

I know the consensus here is that Lawrence was miscast, but she was probably my favorite part of American Hustle (which I thought was a rambling mess, though kind of in a good way), maybe because I tended to think of her as more a “tough, accepts-no-bullshit” type and was completely surprised to see her become a

Consulting Producer: Patrick Stewart

I am seriously having a hard time determining whether all of this—the movie and the comments—is tongue-in-cheek or not.

This is a parody of comic book movies, right?

I’m rather fond of Factorial Factorial Factorial

)) ⇔ ((

That is exactly the sort of thing he spent his time deleting. He was also partially responsible for the deletion of “Post-Pop,” which to my surprise has remained not-an-article (“Post-Britpop,” however, has reared its ugly head).

These guys ≜ douchey.

One of my friends in college was a wikipedia editor in its music section; he told me he spent a lot of time deleting articles about “post-” music genres that didn’t really exist.

I was very iffy on it too, and only went to see it on the big screen. I was surprised at how much I liked it—while I generally agree with @avclub-0c5cf32a0d6a4060b380af168158a146:disqus ’s assessment, I was surprised at how affecting it was. I think it only really works if you’re able to be immersed in it in a theater

Aznavour has my eternal respect for being a short guy who could pull off a long trench.

Oh, that’s very different—go for it, definitely!

You’ll eat those words if you spend any time in Paris before passing through to one of those cities (or pretty much any other city in Europe).

Like many here, I saw Wolf of Wall Street and enjoyed it a great deal. My big surprises were how well it flowed (I think it probably would have been a better, more focused movie with more cuts, but I felt like it moved pretty quickly and it didn’t feel like a long movie to me) and how good the acting was, particularly

My uncle has taken to wearing his Burmese longyi to any event that gives him an excuse to, including a Christmas dinner in Wisconsin. Though this sort of thing, though, is par for the course with my family.

Kiss Wars? Definitely.

Looks up Space Dandy on Google image search, exclaims in a tone of pitying wonder:

Well, consistently good Disney Renaissance ended then. I think stylistically and thematically Hunchback, Hercules, Mulan and Tarzan all count, with Pocahontas-through-Hercules being the trying-too-hard-and-spinning-in-its-wheels film and Mulan being the return to form before Disney just stopped making Disney

I think they stiff him on the tip.

This is the episode I stated to like him, actually. With every biographical tidbit he becomes more human.