
No part of a Lynch setting involves realism, typically, but in TWD the zombies are fantastical but the rest of the setting is depicted as real. That's the whole point of it.

Well, it was very angry, and that is understandably not appreciated for people enjoying the show, so I really am sorry about the tone. But this is not one of those situations where somebody is beating on a show halfway through the first season because it isn't to their taste and just ruining the comment boards.

I like David Lynch movies. He's not selling realism so all of his weird is fun.

Re getting weary over the mysteries, I think it depends on how long it goes on. Most of the Black Mirror shows do this but the mindfucking ends at the end of the episode.

Meanwhile, The Walking Dead got a B+. I know AVC grades don't mean much across shows, but I had to watch Westworld last night to get the shit taste of TWD out of my mouth.

I'm finally done with this show. The conceit that is supposed to make the show intriguing and connect with the audience is it makes us imagine surviving a post-apocalyptic world through interesting characters, but they regularly disrespect the whole premise.

I was wondering what they would do with Season 2, because Gamby and Russell turning on each other would get you maybe a few episodes worth of material. But you can do a whole season 2 around figuring out who is getting revenge given all the people Gamby treated poorly in season 1:

I yell every time they focus on the main plot line, his gross feet.

The TV tough guy scene was one of the few scenes where I think this show was grossly unrealistic.

4) The Faith Militant wants Sandor for Cleganebowl, so they staged the slaughter and will manipulate the newly enraged Sandor for the big fight.

Nevermind to all of this. All is redeemed by the correct theory that naive Arya was Jaqen paying his final debt to Arya.

Those Frey boys are straight out of Monty Python. I know they are supposed to be dopes but why dress like a conscript who was last in line at the armory?

The Faith Militant massacred the hippie commune and they will guide him back to King's Landing.

I thought that until, you know, a really long knife went through her several times. Acting?

I'm trying to figure out how you take two long stabs to the gut and survive in a world with leeches-and-prayers level of medicine.

Wait, we aren't doing obscure D&D spellbook references to explain things anymore?

I haven't read GRRM's early stuff but apparently there is a some continuity from his early books to ASOIF and his early work is all about a series of worlds, ASOIF is only one of them, and there is travel between worlds. He may have abandoned it as the books go on and I agree he is too deep into the fantasy side to

Also I think the author's issues with Margaery's treatment are really with critics and bloggers who aren't recognizing her talents and effectiveness. The show isn't downplaying any of that, but she isn't getting a ton of screen time because Margaery just happens to have been in a tough spot for most of the season and

I wanted to upvote this comment, but it had 69 upvotes and I was like oh yeah! What were we talking about?