Fuck that was way too short. More more more.
Fuck that was way too short. More more more.
The Gathering of the Jewgalo.
Anybody who graduates Moorhead will be able to tackle the challenges of Aakers.
I just love that they go straight from the hunter shooting a bird to the message "Life is Worth Living," with no segue.
As Killface says, I blame the hip-hop.
I liked it and I learned something, and I don't have time to go to six other sites to round out my pop culture education, so all critics please fuck off and read something else.
The best part of the Jesse Slaughter story was how she didn't learn anything from it. She's still all vapid and confrontational.
It was all new to me too, so yes more please.
At first I only sort of liked Metalocalype for the novelty and the small-gag metal sendups, and I never believed that the whole secret society monitoring project was going anywhere. But now it is going somewhere and that somewhere is totally fucking epic. I can't wait to see it play out.
Or hire Neko Case to bodyguard. She is white trash and she WILL fuck you up.
Fatboy Slim, what a disgrace. I still put Better Living Through Chemistry on in the last hour of a deadline project and it's like being on speed, but what the hell happened after Halfway?
:checks Onion:
Fuck me in the ear, it's actually Jason Heller.
Eh, nobody cared. Well, the answer is Josh Modell.
Trivia time
Which AVC staffer is a former D&D nerd?
1++ yep yep yep. As long as you don't spend the milk money (as gambling enthusiast William Bennet once said in his own defense) or be a shit parent/spouse, do what you want to do.
My 12-year-old is at a fantasy wargaming camp all week, painting minis and playing Warhammer-like games all day. All I wonder is where was this camp when I was a 12-year-old rolling d20s?
Prophecy taught me an extremely valuable lesson that has served me well ever since: Movie posters, later box art, lie lie lie.
According to The Soup, Franco plummeted to his death in a horribly overacted scene in which his last words were some soap opery shit like "I know where the baby is. Aiiiiiiiiieeeeeee [plop]."
Longest CTOD ever by an order of magnitude. Assigning Tasha to watch this was epic hate-stoking.