
I remember that interview. It led me to start preaching the virtues of professional voice actors over celebrities. Unfortunately, nobody likes preaching.

If the groom is 29
then play "Slow Show" by The National and everybody in the room will be crying with joy and the marriage will last. Prettiest song ever composed.

Bruce Campbell's ipod is full of scream after scream.

Even better with the hand gestures. Damn the limitations of the comment system.

Confide would be a pretty good alternate name for the Bratz Girlz Band.

The Confide version was pretty funny in the beginning if you didn't know the shrieking was coming, but after that it was just another shitty screamer.

You know what's hilarious for months after seeing The Karate Kid as a dumb kid?
Saying "wax on, whack off!"

Preach it, Rev. For a movie that takes all kinds of chances, it's really surprising that there isn't one off note.

Royal Flash is a good next one. Then I would just try to do them in the order in which they occur in Flashman's life, not the order they were written (various places on the web, Wiki probably, list them in that order). The problem is I no longer want to read straight history any more.

Also by expenseroso:

xochi, keep going man, lots of gold still in them thar hills.

Or that randy tart, Elspeth.

Given that, unlike most other stuff they review, AVC staff can be choosey about which books they review, a D+ grade is pretty extraordinary.

I feel sorry for the poor slob who tries to fill Fred's shoes.

Yes, it was a good burn. I am off to reform my ways.

Not that excited about this
I didn't think any of the previews were funny. I've been around enough overly queeny gays trying to shock everybody with their shocking gayness that it just doesn't entertain me. But I hope the movie does well, because SBC deserves every good thing that happens to him.

Exactly xochi. This was the perfect R. Kelly piece for me: I don't care about anything he does unless it is laughable, so other than calling out his Smoovy lyrical stylings or peeing on people, I don't want to waste my time.

I'm pretty sure these are the first equations ever posted on AVC comment boards, probably the last.

I like weird but usually not just weird for weird's sake. But even though I only understand about 15% of what he is trying to do (70% of Mulholland Drive, for some reason), I always enjoy the experience of his films. Maybe I get something on a subconscious level, but I can never articulate why I like watching his

Now that you've made a failed firstie, go ahead and overdose on those pills.