If I had to pick a fav New Pornographers off of that great album, I'd go with Miss Teen Worldpower because good lord does it get the blood moving toward the end.
If I had to pick a fav New Pornographers off of that great album, I'd go with Miss Teen Worldpower because good lord does it get the blood moving toward the end.
No lists, ET. Just one.
@Krauthammer: I can almost never answer the Q&As right away, because I know I'll remember a better answer later. At least this one was just favorite song "right now," with the caveat that it can change, so I don't have to weigh how much Pink Floyd moved me at 16 with how much The National moves me now.
"Slow Show," The National
But that's just because I like singing it to my wife, "You know I've dreamed about you, for 29 years, before I saw you. You I dreamed about you . . . I missed you for, for 29 years."
Fugitive warlord: "I'm here to kill you!"
I enjoyed LHOTL but only because I was able to fast forward through the interminably long shots of a car going down a road, two girls walking through the forest, etc.
My 10-year-old son
Won't stop playing this on DS. I haven't seen him addicted to any other game like this one. He gives it an A+
Holy Croly Jorge! I just saw this, and congrats man. That is the best.
The main problem with Avant-Garde is it can be a gateway drug to all sorts of POMO idiocy, and who wants to take that chance?
AVC should give Chang a Snickers. He's earned it, although its edibility would probably just confuse him.
@ Rciton, I really like King's bounty, which is a lot closer to Heroes of Might and Magic 3 than the HOMM5, as far as the spirit of the thing. I think real-time-movement with turn-based-combat is the closest anybody is going to come to the old TBS.
It's not just her voice, but she has the inflections of a ditzy teen. Like, every other sentence ends in a question?
Dear turn based strategy games
I miss you, please come back.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to need chainmail for my sweet post -apocalyptic rig, so slip in the door before anybody sees you.
Fun fact: I got the Cookbook from my Mom, who denied ever making practical use of it. I feel like Homer Simpson.
Everybody go out and pre-order Nabin's book
The man needs monocle money, STAT!
The Anarchist's Cookbook
I have an early edition. Not only unintentionally hilarious, but useful in the coming apocalypse.
This is all backward
Celebrities, we are supposed to judge you, not the other way around. Don't mess with this formula, it is the source of your power, or at least a necessary byproduct.
I was disappointed in Bender's Game because I expected it to do more with the D&D riffing.
@ HP, I'm more curious what makes its way onto the BBC. I'm sure that the British viewing public is RATHER discerning in its tastes, at all times, but I just wonder what they are exposed to.