Rod McCain

*Duncan Jones

It's a twist I wouldn't mind knowing is coming, as oppose to literally every "twist" in MR. ROBOT.

Interesting theory out there that William and The Man in Black are one and the same, with the William storyline taking place 30 years before the show's present setting. Anyone else heard this? Intriguing, nonetheless…

Pink Floyd - Fearless

New Radicals - Someday We'll Know

I agree with these comments defending the lunchlady bit. Without it, we wouldn't have Pete's voiceover comment regarding the meatloaf warning: "I had NO idea what THAT was all about," or something to that effect.

We may disagree on a few things…
…but "Sitting Still" is one of their greatest songs. Right?

Couldn't agree more on the DOCUMENT critique, Cedar_Room. As for the LRP comments…nah.

New Adventures in Hi-Fi
Lifes Rich Pageant
Out of Time (underrated)
Automatic for the People

First post ever.