wally donuts


I'm a fan of the comic but I've never watched the show beyond a few episodes in Season 1. Everyone says Negan sucks. How do you fuck up Negan? Amazing.

"It's a prank, bro. For the internet."

I love Michael Mann but it's hard to argue with this

JT Walsh, the guy was the face of the faceless military/industrial complex and/or law enforcement

no question mark required

you'd think they would just go buy a case if they wanted one so bad


I still have an irrational hatred for Sean Bean just because of his character in Ronin

Lemansky's death in The Shield is still one of the most heartbreaking fucking things ever

poor fuckin' Lemansky
guy can't ever catch a break

oh I'm not talking about her, just in general
I've never seen her show
she doesn't strike me as being particularly funny

sometimes "you're dumb, fuck you" is a perfectly reasonable response

Ireland's Industry

said by a guy named Bender, no less

Adebisi lives!

Great episode, and things are falling into place as we get into the home stretch

I first saw it in 1997 in an old church on the south Pacific island of Rarotonga with a bunch of local guys hooting and cheering the whole way through. We were seated on wooden pews and drinking beer. The shot when Geena Davis appears in the mirror hot as fuck with her bleach blonde hair got the loudest reaction of

What the fuck?

The Long Kiss Goodnight is truly one of my favourite films. Brian Cox's single line about the dog being "mutually exclusive with my appetite" is better than the entire Bay oeuvre.