My Kraut Mick Friend

I saw the screener of this some weeks back (a friend works at Lionsgate) and really enjoyed it. It's hard to tell if the things that didn't work are going to be in the final cut, but considering how much I love Deadwood, I'm ready to give Milch the benefit of the doubt.

The review mentioned the "cult success of his HBO show". I was pretty sure David actually meant the "cult success of his FX show" since Lucky Louie, on HBO, wasn't really a success, cult or otherwise. If David was referencing how Louie has taken off, he should have said "FX" not "HBO". That's what I was getting at.

Cult success of his FX show you mean? I wouldn't say Lucky Louie was a success, cult or otherwise. I saw him do this set in Richmond (apparently Wye Oak came down from Baltimore to see that set, too) and it was fucking incredible. It was the same week as the Ohio zoo fiasco, and he had a really long bit on the subject

But, to be fair, Jon Stewart has produced some incredible interviews through his "serious" style. Jim Cramer is the obvious example, as well as the Crossfire appearance, and any of the multiple appearances he and Bill O'Reilly have made on each other's shows. Colbert has had some equally impressive interviews, but in

Has anyone noticed that the last few weeks have had a lot of the same topics on both shows? Not just the same topics, but extremely similar (as in: the exact same) jokes about those topics. Anyway, as for the Steward vs Colbert question, I think Colbert is a more talented performer (dude is a Broadway-caliber actor,

You're making Catholics sound an awful lot like the target audience for most Larry the Cable Guy products.

I feel ya, broseph.

If only I'd just been myself from the get-go. Too late now, I must keep spinning my web of deception….

Gus has an ass like an onion.

To be honest, I've thought AJ was a much better acted character than Meadow all along. He's stupid, spoiled, and mean-spirited - enough similarities to Tony to be his kid, and enough differences to see why he's such a drag on his family. Dunno what it says about Robert Iler that he plays such a little cockhead so

Actually, that never really happened to me, I lied because I just wanted the AV Club to like me. *Weeps*

Yeah, what was the deal with Loggia? He always seems a bit doddering in interviews, the recent AV Club Random Roles included, but is borderline senility why he got booted from The Sopranos, or was it just a case of the storyline not really functioning the way Chase wanted it to?

You wouldn't believe the number of times I've woken up like AJ, with no eyebrows and my face crazy-glued to the carpet. Come to think of it, it happened frequently enough that my so called friends in high school must have been watching The Sopranos…

I find it a tad bit weird that Tony was so worried about his standing with the girl cousins. Then again, maybe it's an Italian thing, and being German-Irish, I'll never understand.

No touching!

Except Omar doesn't swear.

Why the A-? It seems like there wasn't anything negative about the episode mentioned in the review. I don't think an A would be inappropriate given the scope of CK's achievement with the series as a whole and this episode in particular.

Ask Body Spray.

My little brother got shit tons of Jar-Jar merchandise from well-meaning older relatives when TPM came out, so I'm willing to bet the character was a huge sales item.

I'm not all that familiar with the Larry the Cable Guy character, other than having seen enough to know I don't personally find him amusing. I remember David Cross freaking out on him, and saying he was racist and homophobic… Does anyone know the veracity of those complaints? Or is his only crime jokes that appeal to