My Kraut Mick Friend

Their third album Fragrant World came out in 2012, they did a live album the year after that, and then Amen & Goodbye. They haven't been super prolific, but as long as they keep putting out quality content semi-regularly, that's ok with me.

I live in Richmond, and the outpouring of grief has just been incredible. Everyone knew and loved Dave, and especially in the local music scene, he was revered as this godfather of area bands. I used to see him at my friends' shows at Strange Matter, jamming out and buying people drinks. I know lots of guys who'd

There shouldn't be Buzzfeed lists of anything, Sims!

This episode really felt like the midpoint of the season. The narrative has little resolution, and some story elements seem to have been just dropped in with no development. While I understand that might read as a criticism of the series, I think it's more of a testament to the strength of what has largely been

Oh gosh, I had no idea. To be honest, this show just sort of came out of nowhere for me (I don't have Sundance). As much as I love Goggins, I can't imagine anyone other than Young in the lead role.

Additionally: what are the odds we get Walton Goggins as a guest star next season? I'd say that the winds of probability are pointing the weather vane in that direction. What with him and Ray McKinnon being longtime collaborators/bffs and all.

This show is so unbelievably terrific. This is some masterclass shit right here.

I will listen to these tracks and I will most likely enjoy them.

It's the only thing I can think of whenever I see anything related to this show. Also, I'm pretty stoked for John on WTF. And by pretty stoked I mean, feverishly anticipatory.


Yeah, blacklisting was wrong, wrong, wrong. Period. But this dude actually was making pro-Soviet propaganda AND he sold out a bunch of other people who were probably less Red than he was. So while I will continue to detest blacklisting, I'll reserve my sympathy for those victims a little more deserving.

Not that I don't love comics making it to the AV Club Newswire, but Wonder Woman #15 came out in December. Kinda late on the draw here.

Definitely saw him picking up trash on the highway here in Virginia. So at least some of those hours weren't faked. But please, let's send him back to jail anyway.

No, come on, he's waaaaay better than Ari Fleischer. That dude is a straight up [slang word for vagina that won't get me flagged].

Hearing this live is a transcendent experience, because everyone in the audience freaks the fuck out.

Man, I was listening to that Fresh Air interview at work, and once talk turned towards Newtowne, the awkward, seething tension was palpable. Luckily, Gross righted the ship after a minute or so of Tarantino delivering terse single word answers. They seemed to get chummy again after she brought up spaghetti Westerns.

Wait, do those days ever end? Is there the promise of sweet release somewhere down the line? What am I feeling right now? Hope? Don't let me down @avclub-b06dd4fe4ae461da32a6927680d9d27f:disqus. I've been hurt before.

I would say Morrison is still pretty good at this. Batman Incorporated (and his entire Batman run in general) ranks up there with his best work. I know a lot of people aren't enthusiastic about Action Comics, but I'm really digging it.

I would say Morrison is still pretty good at this. Batman Incorporated (and his entire Batman run in general) ranks up there with his best work. I know a lot of people aren't enthusiastic about Action Comics, but I'm really digging it.

That would make sense too. I guess I shouldn't just assume that Marvel would be smart enough to put Fantastic Four and FF together in the correct reading order in this hypothetical forthcoming Omnibus. But I hope they do.