Ester Island

Just posted this upstream, but I wasn't feeling the left turn in the plot at the time, maybe because I went into it expecting a pyschodrama about mental illness and turned out a bit Gone Girl. But maybe I should rewatch it; Rooney Mara was great.

Still not sure how I feel about the left turn in the plot of Side Effects, reminded me of Gone Girl a bit. But that was a bolder choice and Rooney Mara was great.

I think Canada now has a higher percentage of cop-type shows than even the US… so that's something, I guess

(wrong thread)

I knew it was Slovakia but forgot the name of the capital… but they didn't even get that

As someone interested in Toronto's history, Murdoch seems a bit too much like Law & Order: Old-timey Times. Marvel at how anachronistically modern he is! Laugh at the stuffy ways of the olds!

Like Siiims, I thought it was preposterous that they only started running through leads after the botched execution, as if they just didn't have time before. Did anyone mention they were new lawyers to the case?
the way the rest of it played out seemed more realistic though.

Actually, I think someone said here yesterday that some of the Happy Endings writers have moved to the MJF show… very perceptive NFET.

Actually this just reminded me, in one of my dreams the other night, Christie Blatchford was going back to write for the Globe and Mail… that was it I think. Apparently that was all the creativity my lazy subconscious can muster up before it shrugs its shoulders, says 'meh', and goes out for another coffee run to Tim

There's also the Polaris Music Prize ceremony, which is swankier than you might think. That's just streaming on Youtube though.

Liked your usage of "worsting"… not just for fabrics anymore!

You know, the CBC turned into a shlocky basic cable channel so slowly I hardly even noticed.

I'm 29 too and also have come down with some bad depression/anxiety the past few years, so I can sympathize with you on how hard it can feel to get out of the house and do things that used to be easy… I hope you had a good time tonight!

Compared to other mobile sites though, I find the comment system pretty good. It was one of the first to let you post comments, not just read them, and the old Disqus system is quick to load (don't know why so many use Livefyre, which behaves like an ADD toddler.)

Blame Baratunde Thurston for leaving Onion Corp., I guess… I don't think the mobile site's been redesigned in 3 or 4 years. A responsive design would definitely be better, but for someone with a smaller screen like me, the existing site works decently

It wasn't yogourt, it was panna cotta which is pretty different, like a firm custard. James' version looked more like yogurt though.

Our elementary core teacher in Ottawa was from Normandy, so I think I have a pretty good accent thankyouverymuch. Though I've forgotten most of the conjugations and can't really carry on a conversation anymore :(

What about John Mulaney? Can they split the role 50/50?

Interesting strategy there, Fox, showing a repeat game 36 hours after it happened.

I still remember him from when we got BBC World News on the CBC News network here 10 years ago… he just radiated that Hemingway-esque war correspondent cool.