
Musicians and their complicated shoes!

no idea. I was going for the line in Radio Friendly Unit Shifter

Everybody's talking at me…

He could invite that Doors cover band, Crystal Shit.

I liked the sequel "After Birth of A Nation" better.

Yikes Michael Richards looks more and more like an old Borat these days.

Near a destroyed dropship, it's Game Over, Man!

in a hooded robe, arriving with the sound of a "Pip! Pip!"

"Here's a thought for sweat shop owners: air conditioning. Problem solved." - Mitch Hedberg

That's just what he calls his dad.

Oh, well as long as he hated every minute of it, that's fine then.

Goddamn wonder pets

Canadians are always bringing their "Eh" game

I believe it was Mark Mothersbaugh's mom who said of 'Dare to Be Stupid' - "He out-Devo'd Devo"

No lily is good lily.

Anna Kendrick with a beard, aka Adam Scott

I just figured he had all those hilarious rejoinders sitting in a file somewhere and decided to finally bring them out.

I think you're being typecast.

Just like Betty Page!

Now i want a sportcoat made from that guy's fingers. Granted, it'd be a small coat, but still.