
"When A Woman's Fed Up"
Dude, you totally ducked out on that. I know Kels isn't exactly the most popular dude in the world anymore but "When a woman's fed up" is legitimately one of his best songs. Everytime I hear it and think that the man's reduced himself to making part 65 of "Trapped in the Closet" a little part

Raj's Shirt
I want one.


Dude, Jon Hamm is clearly The Shadow.

Am I the only one who thinks that Captain Awesome from 'Chuck' would be the perfect Cap?

What I can't believe is that…………
…………….no-one's mentioned Jack's awesome takedown of Prochnow . He used a table for christsake! :D

Third that. I now remember why I like the older ladies :D

Well they might get to that later on. I mean they must have some plans for Bobby. Why else would they cripple him?

Sam vs Meg
Nice to see they've gone back to the old tradition of Sam not being able to fight his way out of a paper bag :)


Yeppers it's ok. If it's on the list, that means it's getting the full-season hook-up.

Alright!!!! Zach you star!!!! :D

Now I don't wanna sound like Johnny-Boy the wife beater……….
…………but wouldn't have that scene been much more intense if Michael had punched Fiona in the face? Don't get me wrong, both of them acted the shit out of that. It just seems that Fi more than tough enough to be fazed by a slap. A punch to the jaw would would

This is not actually the main point I want to make but I do have to agree with Bert. Claire Kramer totally got that part wrong.

Watching LA Takedown really makes you realise how much of a classic Heat is. Pacino may get shit for all the overacting but when you compare him to the black hole of charisma that is Scott Plank…….jesus christ. Takedown's version of the coffee house scene is almost painful to watch. It's amazing how Deniro and Pacino

Gin Blossoms…
…do people not like them?

I am pretty much convinced that NBC have the writers in a devil's pact and refuse to let them leave. Why else would they plotting/writing such shit?

It actually does sounds like 'freight-burger'. What the hell?

Casey - "……and you didn't ask me to join."
Chuck (with 'little boy' voice) - "Casey…….would you like to help us rescue my father?"

Good lord, I'm stunned……
……..I mean he's actually managed to make it worse. How the fuck has me managed to make the situation worse?