
I love Amy and Dan's relationship or whatever the heck it is. It's so different from every other relationship on television because it's a hate/love relationship with actual hate and very little love.

They're so faceless I got them mixed up!

I am so happy that the show got the Golden Globe, mainly because it all but promises a second season.

I'd recommend some of SyFy's lesser known shows like Haven and Warehouse 13. Sure they won't change television as we know it, but if you're looking for fun shows to turn off your brain and binge watch, then you'll like these. Warehouse 13 is basically a fun show that seems to throw sci-fi, fantasy and history at a

One of the reasons I love Veep is that while it shows just how incompetent politicians are, it also shows how anyone with good intentions gets worn down by the political system and press.

I didn't like George Sr.'s episodes either, but it was all worth it for: "I don't want these."

All I can think every time I see Ed is that Amy's dating the Scranton Strangler.

Illusions, Dad! You don't have time for my illusions!

I honestly didn't think Bob was in wrong to feel upset about Linda selling the espresso machine. Could he have been nicer about it? Sure. But Linda sold a machine that could have helped the restaurant for an obviously fake baseball lesson. It was irritating to watch Linda throw away close to $500 dollars on a scam

I think that Esther's relationship probably started a way a lot of abusive relationships do: the abuser was charming and sweet in the beginning, and as time passed, Fitzgerald's true colors began to show. Esther probably thought that she could change him back to the person he was in the beginning, but simply couldn't.

I don't feel that sorry for Fitzgerald because he was given the chance to receive love, but never took it. Esther talks about how much she tried to love Fitzgerald, and if she was willing to leave him after years of marriage in which she suffered emotional abuse, then I don't think she's cold or unfeeling for that.

It's a bad day for Selina Meyer. Her Chief of Staff has been murdered by Hannibal.

The idea that Hannibal's holding Miriam Lass somewhere, locked away for years and without an arm, is almost more disturbing than if he had killed her. I mean, at least she would have been out of pain, but the idea that Hannibal might be keeping her alive just to toy with her and Jack… *Shudders*

Its got an amazing group of actors who somehow make swearing an art form. It's fantastic.

I love reading the reviews on this site, whether they're negative or not, and I'm fine with Sims not loving this show like I do. Some shows aren't for everyone, and that's fine.

I don't think Selina cares about offending the President, but basically the idea behind POTUS and Veep are the same: a nickname used so you don't constantly have to refer to them with a huge name. So if Selina's not upset at people calling her Veep, then I don't think the President would be upset about people calling

In the context of the show, I've always thought that it was okay because Selina's staff constantly call her the Veep, and she's fine with it (and considering how offended she gets by stuff, we'd know if it was disrespectful to call her Veep or the President POTUS).