
Wow I can't believe someone would think that Crispin Glover setting the record straight about the producer's literal illegal activity on Back to the Future 2 would call that a whine fest. It is apparent with the rules that were changes in the Screen Actor's Guild because of Crispin's lawsuit that the producers of Back

From what I have seen and read here of Glover it seems apparent that Bob Gale is not telling the truth and it is especially underlined by the fact the Bob Gale has motive to lie in trying to diminish the fact that Bob Gale did things which led to illegal activity which because of Glover's lawsuit there are rules in

It sure does not seem paranoid especially in light of the fact that what the producers did was illegal.

They did use small pieces of footage of Glover from the first film in the 1950's areas. They inter spliced that footage with footage of the other actor in order to fool audiences in to believing Glover was in the film. Because of Glover's lawsuit there are rules in the Screen Actor's Guild that make it so producers,

Glover is personably in person and he does not hand people cards.

Canc sure seems to have bought the lies of the producers hook line and sinker. I've seen Glover talk about this and it seems pretty apparent that he did not demand the kind of money Bon Gale claims.  Bob Gale and the producers were found legally in the wrong for stealing Glover's image in the sequel and needed to make

What is interesting about Zemeckis' comment is that Glover has been a professional actor since age 13 and has been touring with his own films that he edited himself. It seems unlikely that Glover was not able to hit a mark or understand how scenes cut together. It does seem likely that Zemeckis was a little bitter

Why do you think a character was hanging upside down for a bad back? These writers/producers that came up with idea are also the people that stole Glover's image for this same sequel.  There seems nothing crazy at all about it and I had wondered about it myself when I saw the film.

Those producers ultimately did something illegal. So it does seem like there should be questions about them.

It seems that he was not given the screenplay to read before the film started. It seems fair to ask questions once receiving the screenplay.

I'm with Glover on this. I always wondered why the actor that played that character was hung upside down for a back problem. It did cross my mind that the producers thought it was funny to make the actor uncomfortable.

It's funny because I saw this particular performance as well. Although when he went in to the projection room all he did was get the color problem corrected. He was fine and the images did look better. People always exaggerate about Crispin Glover