Business As Usual

Yeehaw Goggins can dance! On The Shield I remember at least one instance of him dancing, on the mini-episode between seasons 5 and 6. It was right after Lem won the Departmental arm wrestling contest.
Oh Lem…

Will's feud with the judge
I read that situation differently: it seemed like Will engineered that whole clash on the basketball court in order to lay the groundwork for a fake clash in court. It looked like he was making it seem that the judge was treating him unfairly and consequently he was able to use that to

That's OK. Happens to everyone.

Her name is Ranin Karim (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm… and like all* the actors in Ajami, she's never acted before.
Before filming, the directors held acting workshops all over Israel and cast each role with people who had no acting experience but showed something that connected them to the role. Some of the parts