A Man Of Discerning Taste

"Since his 'reinvention' of the rap game was ultimately predicated on one thing — the complete rejection of the universal subject — Yeezy’s thoughts and feelings come at a premium completely unlike that of Bono’s, Madonna’s, Jagger’s, or Lennon’s; our fascination with him comes not from what he fashions from the whole

Alec Baldwin called his daughter a "rude thoughtless little pig"
Sean Penn tied Madonna to a chair and hit her with a baseball bat
Kanye West ruined one of Taylor Swift's special moments

He has more talent than both combined and times twenty-five

"Tarantino then elaborated that he still had some problems with it that a cool train couldn't fix, namely the rather cavalier treatment of a very real tragedy like the Native American genocide—something the French interviewer oh-so-cleverly tried to compare to Tarantino’s depictions of slavery in Django Unchained,

Wow a lot of implicit elitism going on here. Also you know Einstein married his cousin right?

@avclub-3a53af9e954d9043d860719e175d72fe:disqus Nah man I like Shostakofiev and Scarladavaldi and all sorts of fancy shit like you can't even believe

I've heard their first three albums, they suck

Man arcade fire sucks


Still why are you just saying that? What would make you think that?

Why would you just assume that, apropos of nothing?

Yes, he's certainly no [Coldplay/U2/ACDC/Oasis etc, take your pick]. Why, his music doesn't even have any guitar, if you could even call it 'music'!

@avclub-6ce1861d265248f9c9dd2ed2f88dbdf9:disqus “We got this new thing called classism. It’s racism’s cousin. This is what we do to hold people back. This is what we do. And we got this other thing that’s also been working for a long time when you don’t have to be racist anymore. It’s called self-hate. It works on

@xtopherquietmind:disqus I'm not even mad, that response was adorable. Congratulations on being such a good Mr DJ

@avclub-dc7008f6bd89036db2513d35ef4b537c:disqus "…coupled with clear insecurity screams for a take-down"

hahahaha classic "I don't listen to rap" comment


You say that as if Kanye's not a stone cold genius. What's up with that?

Well it *is* a bad remix. It might also be a bad mess of a song, that one's up to you provided you've heard it.

I secretly think everyone who calls Yeezus unlistenbale listens to Foo FIghters and Maroon 5 all day.