A Man Of Discerning Taste

No you're right, the linked version is a bad remix.

Well, like some of us have noted in the comments, the linked video is not Bound 2 but instead some weird bastardization of it.

I fucking hate you avclub, the linked song is not the album cut, it's a shitty remix by whoever uploaded it, and even worse the pitch is noticeably higher than it should be. Just no. Are you guys completely unobservant?

He didn't beat anyone up, he just tried to grab the camera. Other videos of the incident show this very clearly.

Kanye didn't punch him, if you watch the full video he's just trying to grab the camera.

"Racists buy rap records the same way racists have bought and sold black entertainment since the 1880s."

@avclub-cd1db6bdaab0f94ac28022bf20b6d1a6:disqus And honestly, if you're going to listen to Drunk and Hot Girls, why not just listen to Sing Swan Song?

followup opinion: avclub film section blows

Actually speaking of the dissolve, I've been wondering: how is it different from avclub film section when it seems like the staffs are practically identical?

Oh, I don't really know what he's talking about at all, still seems kind of sad though

"[A female voice asks, "Why are you so angry? What's the anger?"] Because my mother got arrested for the fuckin' sit-ins. My mother died for this fame shit! I moved to fuckin' Hollywood chasing this shit. My mother died because of this shit."

I don't understand fashion.


it's still better to just listen to the music though

Well obviously the only person who can answer that is you, were you to ever actually listen to the music you're trying to talk about. I mean, I don't know - maybe you'd just appreciate the beautiful sound of it. Maybe you could identify with the vision of himself that Kanye projects on it and do some fancy

Don't overthink it, it was just a dumb joke. It wasn't to do with Kanye though.

If you want me to put the effort into writing out why I think he's good or whatever, it seems like you should at least be able to put the effort into listening to an album. Like I don't know if you think the idea of talking more to you is tantalizing enough in and of itself but if you're unwilling to do anything for

OK man look, for one thing, Kanye makes (or, just to be perfectly objective, tries to make) ALBUM albums, which means if you actually want to 'get it', to get why people (even or especially people who should know what they're talking about, from Lou Reed to Elton John to whoever your favorite music critic is) can

Well, ok. What HAVE you heard? I don't think I'd be too crazy about him myself if I'd only heard, like, Stronger, Power, Gold Digger, Niggas in Paris, and New Slaves.