A Man Of Discerning Taste

"He obviously can hear that all styles are the same, somewhere deep in their heart, there's a connection.  It's all the same shit, it's all music — that's what makes him great."

Dreadfully good!

As someone thinks Radiohead and Kid A are perfectly fine, would it be accurate to say that people who are really into Kid A are apprehensive about a new age of digital culture or something like that? (Like I don't really know what what I just wrote means, but I'm wondering if Radiohead fans do.)

I honestly don't know what you're saying.

Thanks for the input.

It's hard to take "so and so is an uncreative douche" from people who are still repeating four year old South Park jokes.

I don't think he's a "study in contrasts", he's just an actual person with all of the actual contradictions and baggage that comes with.

actually neither, it's "Black Skinhead"

No, I completely mean it. Like it's not just that Kanye's a genius, he's a down to earth genius in a weird sort of way.

Fact: Once you actually bother to listen to it, Yeezus is a profoundly unpretentious album.

@avclub-75f2ed758ae732a25973c609767e5f85:disqus NO the shortened version will not do

@Medrawt I do understand what you're saying, and it bothers me in a lot of pop culture stuff. I'd advise you to listen to the whole album straight through before you try to think about individual songs. Obviously I can't promise you that you'd get more out of it but I think most people would. I feel pretty strongly

I'll take this opportunity to say that I think The Dark Knight is a bad movie filled with blather and nothingness. Come at me bros.

@avclub-b3d29f8f22c60a4b2c5fc2b1691c1d62:disqus Well listening to half of MBDTF is like stopping Citizen Kane when he get into the newspaper business. Anyway Kanye isn't a great MC, at least in the Eminem sort of tradition of what that's supposed to entail.

He says "in the lineage of", which I think is quite a bit different than saying he's their musical successor or something. I don't see it as an ego thing. More like how a modern physicist is automatically in Newton's lineage simply by virtue of what they do, not to do with how well or poorly they do it.

You make a compelling case.

Well personally I wasn't trying to be very comprehensive in my comments; I wasn't even trying to argue that Kanye or his music should be liked. I do take "Instead isn't there something more profoundly beautiful about someone who clearly loves music and is willing to try to put as much of themselves into it as they

I've got to confess I wasn't sure what he meant by "that liked nice things also" since the grammar was a bit off. Anyway if your interpretation is correct I don't see how it would be an "egotistically delusional" thing to say, just sort of an odd thing to single out Miles Davis.

Of course, I think it's perfectly fine if Kanye just isn't someone you can identify with at all. Personally speaking my social class is nothing but my ego's been all around the map; I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that the outro on Runaway played the key role in rebuilding myself after a particularly bad

How can anyone call rap "rap music" if there isn't even a guitar?