
I like that as a possibility, if in the realities are going to merge with each other.

I think Richard living outside the temple and not knowing about candidates specifically is important. I think Jacob kept his factions separate/partially in the dark for a reason.

…And as mentioned elsewhere it'd be interesting if the conclusion of the love quadrangle was Jack had both women off island in separate realities and couldn't make it work with either of them.

Considering just how out of touch with reality as Claire clearly is, would that really be much of a stretch? She also didn't seem interested in making small talk in general, like "Hey Jin, good to see you. Where have you been for THREE YEARS? Where's everybody else? Is the old gang still together? Oh, your

I have the feeling Claire did not skip. Most likely she was already "claimed" by that point which somehow prevented her from skipping.

I think it might be Juliet, honestly. They met in med school. I think Jack would be at most 40 in 2004 time, so that means he fathered the kid while he was about 25.

I mentioned this elsewhere but I guess her crazy bubble is pretty big. And warm.

So far I think it's significant in that no matter what, their fates are intertwined.

Haha. I'm glad someone else thought that actor looked like Jeremy Black, who played the Hitler clones in "The Boys from Brazil."

It could be a Superman/Clark Kent thing where she's never actually seen them together…

I like the theory that Juliet and Jack met in medical school and she could be David's mom.

Here's a theory: the Lighthouse shows their lives off island. As Jack is on the island, there's nothing to watch and during that time it reverts to his closest concept of "home," i.e. the house he grew up in.

Oops, I mean Dogen.

I've never assumed Logan came from Black Rock. I assumed he had something to do with the Hanso corporation.

If we can buy a moving cabin, we can buy an invisible light house.

I agree it seems like a small bit of a red herring. I do like the theory that he was trying to "metaphorically" bring Jack to the island. It seems like that's probably the end affect.

Oh, I knew Jack would Smash the mirror, much as Locke let the Swan blow up by refusing to press the button (after 108 minutes, even)…

Also, I'm glad Claire's too crazy to appreciate that Jin's English got really good since the last time she saw him.

I don't know, her saying "that's not John…" makes it seem pretty clear to me that she seems him as a completely different person, or at least an entity.

She WAS a candidate… Littleton was on the cave wall but the name was crossed out.