
Erin over her head in social situations (see: the Halloween Party) continues to be the awkward highlight of this season for me.

More Chad Flenderman please. In addition to being the world's foremost Egyptologist, Oxford graduate and ladies man - he also rides a motorcycle.  I want to know what his kryptonite is.

Other than the fact it's 30 minutes, is this show really meant to be a comedy? (I find the show far more moving than funny.)

"I really hope Enlightened at least gets another season if it gets cancelled. How to Make It in America was a far inferior show with bad ratings and at least it got a second season."  - Lucrece

Thanks for the Bethany info! (I was totally in the dark on the existence of a sister.)

Thank you for the sister confirmation - I've been dropping in and out with Enlightened (although I've been a steady viewer for the last 4 eps).  I was confused about the existence of the sister and assumed maybe it had been referred to in an episode I missed.  D̶o̶ ̶w̶e̶ ̶k̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶s̶h̶e̶'̶s̶ ̶a̶l̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶o̶r̶

Does it count when the inscestees don't realize they are related and one of them is no longer human?  If so, you can add True Blood thanks to last season's Vampire Bill's tryst with his great-granddaughter Portia.

"he needs to go see Nucky. Like, now." My thoughts exactly, LC3203.  Jimmy has proven he's completely incapable of running Atlantic City on his own, and now that the Commodore is dead the old guys with beards really don't have any reason to back Jimmy.

Finally! I was thinking they dropped that ball and he was totally going to get away with it.

I realize Owen is the show's resident Smoove B, but hitting on a lady while she is altering/repairing/staring at her newly diagnosed child's polio braces would be too high a bar for any guy to clear.  (Except maybe Billy Dee Williams in his heyday.)

After Angela got shot last week, I was positive this episode would show Richard completely losing it, since she's the only person besides Jimmy (maybe more so) that he seemed to make a real connection with.  For him to completely fall in line as Gillian's new henchman (at least for this episode) was a little

I think Mackenzie Philips and 'Papa' John Philips still have them beat.  (Although they are real people I think they could still win on a technicality given Mackenzie's run on "One Day At A Time" and her stint on Celebrity Rehab and 9,000 talk shows.)

1) Were we definitely supposed to think this was the first time this had occured between Gillian and Jimmy?  Given the look on her face when he was beating the professor, she seemed to get too much of a kick out it - like she knew where things were going.

For a guy who prides himself on seeing all the angles, I'm amazed Nucky hasn't taken the obvious step of marrying Margaret so that she would not be forced to testify against her husband.

I love the idea that there is some International Revenge Society on this show.  It would be great to see a random/standalone episode where Emily is called upon by another member to help them pull off their own revenge plot.

A Frank Fisticuffs/American Horror Story crossover would be mutually beneficial for both properties.  If only the BDSM shop was located in Pocatello, Idaho!

Drusus - I thought the same thing! The Velveteen Rabbit is easily one of the most disturbing stories read to me as a child.  

Charlie's sofabed crevice = Temple Grandin's squeeze machine?

I think Tom Scharpling on "The Best Show" once said that A&E now stands for "Addicts & Exploitation" - or something to that effect.

Cynical - maybe.  Asshole - kind of harsh, Dr. Lizards.