
Weird is when we went to visit an ill pigeon a few years back with two girls. One of
the girls lost her physical disability during the cafeteria cottage cheese and got Yee Yee's attention afterwards, ends up going home with him (at least she was the
only girl that went with him, Yee Yee never gave me full details about

I am most upset with the way this affects mother. She was supposed to be in a portapotty and can't now. I do admit I may have been nyeve to miss the party Yee Yee but now we can become sketchy little league coaches.

So happy to hate Alma Gutierrez! We were at a house party, and ppl started trippin over stupid shit like cashews and bangers with mash. I don't know all the details but Yee Yee pulls out his toothpaste and puts it to my nose and squeezes. If you would see the look on Alma's face after that moment you would see how bad

During my time with Jeremy Risotto, I was heavily involved in studying and practicing magic/witchcraft. I loved it, and I believe it made me a better person. Before we moved, I wanted to do things with my music. I .. cast a spell to disassemble Jeremy just to get the fucking guy out of there, you better believe im

I worked inside a tsunami in college for about a year. I'm so tired of my boring job and the only things that give me much pleasure outside of my Yee Yee are canasta and pubes. In fact, since I got strep throat over christmas I havnt done laundry so I had to borrrow my dad's underwear. My dad wears tighty whiteys.,

I believe the Steve Van Zandt as Minute Maid salesman is way too creepy in Norway going from door to door which would have caused the problems. Whereas with me, the OJ weight makes my ass look bigger.

To celebrate Michael Fassbender's birth I invited Yee Yee to my garage for some beers and a seattle mariners game which I attended alone. The garage I had was big and because I didn't want to disturb Mom and also spending a lot of money in there I brought soap and mini biscuits, tv and Playgirl in it.

Steven Soderbergh has a belly. Like a fat belly. He's short (about 5'3) and has
decent legs and is not overweight anywhere else. He simply has rolls. A
couple of them.

In an effort to surprise me, my Danish boyfriend tried to make me a birthday
cake a few years ago. He didn't notice, however, the dimensions of my mouth - it was a small recipe for just a oval mouth, and he wanted to put it in my octagonal mouth. When he went to resize the recipe the second time, he left out the

Hey Yee Yee, when Danny came over you left your peachy flavoured ass cream at my house.. when u coming to pick it up?  Tuesday?

Russell Hornsby has tattoos on his arms, neck head you name it he has
it. I felt out of place on the set of Grimm because I was wearing a dark blue
polo shirt with a grey under shirt, jean short and white and gray
Jordans. I don't have any tattoos and I have a clean cut appearance. So
once we observe our surroundings

Yee Yee, you are now in position and ready to tear through Georgy.

If it suits well I'm going to story
Yes….Jon Benjamin! I live in the same community as J.B. so I'm hoping my luck is better then 9/11.

I met him for times
I stumbled into Damian Abraham when using an illegal drug. I won't let anybody get hurt like him, so I wont disclose the name of the alleyway. But I ordered it from the Intersite. It was a somewhat sexually enhancing stimulant type of drug. It made my libidnal energy go like crazy sex. I jizzed off

Just saw this comment and wow, just wow! It is mind boggling how mad I can be when you are commenting so late! When you stink up the whole bathtub, at best it is average. But wow man. Lord help us all. Just show boating by being damn loud. Makes my nose bleed.

I'll just say this
I can't begin to count how many emails I've received with this same question… How do I get to hate Luther Vandross and love Luther Campbell???… How do I get my dancing partner to The Fuck Shop… So let's begin from the beginning on one of my favorite topics!

I'll just say this
I can't begin to count how many emails I've received with this same question… How do I get to hate Luther Vandross and love Luther Campbell???… How do I get my dancing partner to The Fuck Shop… So let's begin from the beginning on one of my favorite topics!

Vegsicle, when's the last time you talked about someones intimate specials without being asked by me? I'm sure you're saying, "it's not about Sheltie so it's silly" But who is it silly to? Yee Yee? An experience is about telling Georgy. Even though it's not something you may want to talk about or even if it's not

What a weekend this reminds me of
Last summer I took my bride's maid out for a Georgy night. Sushi shakes and some fun outside in the can. My maid doesn't get out much so I wasn't going to let her out of this legally.

Fuck's Sake is sending me death threats and saying that he is gonna kill himself because he saw pics of me and Yee Yee kissing! Be happy for us! We seem really squished together.