Forsythe Pendleton Jones III

Inches. Of his penis.

I think most of us would agree that Claire does a super job.

If you're a Danny hater, then watching his performance last night was sweet, sweet Schadenfreude. If he doesn't get kicked off tonight, I'm going to be apoplectic with rage, especially if Allison does.

Adam definitely sang "every inch of my love*." I was kind of shocked.

I'm getting sick of their treatment of Allison. She comes out and just nails it consistently, and they just tell her she needs to work on her confidence and have more personality. I like Adam and I think he has the best overall singing voice purely because of his range, but Allison has more of a pleasant tonality to

The orange peel reminded me of the classic "Man in a Hurry" episode of the Andy Griffith Show.

I've actually met Emmett Miller's nephew. A friend of mine is a big fan of his (and 20's jazz in general), and got in contact with his nephew, who lived not far away. He came over to my friend's house, which is where I met him, and he regaled us with Emmett stories for a while.

That's your problem.

At first glance I thought that was a young Annabelle Gurwitch.

I had to look up Mike Starr on IMDB. "Oh, THAT guy!"

Dammit, now that I'm thinking about it, I'm sorry Matt got kicked off now that I know Slash is gonna be the guest. I wanted to see if Matt would come out in either a top hat or an Axl Rose-style do-rag in keeping with the current trend of his growth-hiding hat wearing.

Yummsh, I made it through in about 5 minutes after watching Lost. FF > Pause at Ford commercial. Sucks > FF > Pause at group number. Sucks. > FF > Pause at Natalie Cole. No talent, never had any. Sucks. > FF. > Pause at Jamie Foxx. Vocoder. Sucks. > FF > Play when there are two contestants left, Adam and

W0w, thanks.

Best part of the movie: Wiebe's intensely playing, getting close to hitting a top score, and then you hear his kid yelling from the next room, "Daddy, come wipe me!"

"Brought to you by Carl's Jr."

The Matt in the Hat
So, obviously they've been having Matt wear hats to cover up that….thing….on his forehead. How do you think that went down? Do you think the producers were up front and said "You know, Matt, you'd probably get more votes and stay in this competition longer if you wore a hat that covered up the

Jamie Foxx?? Really, AI? I was expecting Harry Connick, Jr. Sure would have made a hell of a lot more sense.

I'm almost positive I remember Shields & Yarnell performing at my school when I was in first or second grade. Maybe it wasn't them, but it was some other creepy male/female mime duo. I kind of remember Mummenschanz popping by one time as well, but that might have just been a nightmare induced by seeing them on TV.

I was like, "Damn, Jack cut her a new one."

I can think of no finer tribute: