Tina Marina

Yeah in particular I agree that Romeo's Velveteen Rabbit rewrite/myth made absolutely no goddamn sense either internally (what the fuck was he talking about "Jim-Joe"? The dragon? Claire being Clementine?) or metaphorically for the series at large. Claire's biggest concern mirrors the toy rabbit's: wanting to become

Guys I wish someone would watch the rest of this series because I need to talk about it. By like Episode 4 I was so in but also so bored… I feel kind of bad for Beckett because I can tell she was aiming to tell a serious story, but she Verhoeven'd herself

Truly insane. I would give the finale a full "Showgirls" on a scale from one to Showgirls

I can kiiiiinda buy that she wouldn't call her husband because she blames him for Holden's disappearance, but she's a medical doctor! Take him to a hospital! She was being hella measles mom this episode.

Honestly none of that makes even the smallest amount of sense unless the Countess is actively trying to manipulate Alex's resentment of John into turning her into a vampire. Which would also make no sense, but for a different reason.

to be fair I grew up somewhere where Oct. 30 is called Mischief Night so I didn't get that either.

When you're getting Lily Rabe on AHS, I don't normally root for her to be haughty and removed, but there's no question she'd be more compelling than Gaga. I do think Rabe would KILL as Mustang Sally or whatever-the-fuck, no disrespect to Paulson, who is also doing excellent stuff.

Okay so that pretty much kills my theory that Chloe was secretly a vampire hunter. But there's nothing stopping her from becoming Blade after Holden is inevitably killed and stabbing the FUCK out of Gaga while Angela Bassett rules over all of them

It would be such such such a cheap shot (unless Sevigny is somehow the guy from the attic) but can't deny it would fucking slay to have Jessica Lange back for a cameo

Jesus Christ proof AHS literally cannot have continuity for more than 3 seconds

I keep waiting to get annoyed and be done with this March character but it hasn't happened yet. I think he might actually be … doing a good job at acting in addition to being my shameful TV crush. Which after god damn Jimmy the Lobster Boy is actually kind of a surprise

Travolta is giving one hell of a Richard Nixon performance in that role

I have not watched this episode yet but after seeing Lindsay's sailor outfit I will not rest until Kether Donohue stars as Adelaide in an NBC live presentation of Guys and Dolls

<jenna maroney="">

happy endings but less bro-y

now I really want to see Gaga yelling "Scoooootttttt" as Wittrock/Bomer/Jackson flounce around

Well, we saw Sally get murdered in the pilot when Kathy Bates pushed her out the window, but everyone can see/interact with her, which seems like a classic AHS ghost.


I am very pleased that the cult of UCB is getting the thorough lampooning that it utterly deserves.

Yes, things have changed?