
From Halifax
Casino Taxi! They're the fast ones!

Not that bad
I just caught 20 minutes of this on TV, and I laughed.

Tommy: Really? I just saw Fay Grim on DVD a couple months ago, but it's my favourite discovery of the year.


Cantona's Wikipedia page is really long, so I'm going to just assume he's the European Mr. T, context be damned.

For us non-Europeans, who would be the American equivalent of Cantona, in terms of fame and regard? I'm having a hard time putting this into context.

Lawyers, guns and money!

He's not just driving a 300 year old car. He's driving a 300 year old car while listening to a 250 year old Beastie Boys song.

Also, Snake and Bacon are the opposite of random - they are completely predictable.

Yeah, Teknolust is terrible. I would never claim otherwise.

May I also recommend the unfortunately titled "Teknolust?"

My favourite, quick moment
"Back injuries are less common than knee injuries, but more common than wrist injuries."

The first two thirds of Alien Nation is a fantastic little film, the ending I'd rather not think about too hard.

I kept my hypercolor shirts in the freezer so the color change would be more dramatic. There's nothing like wearing a freshly chilled shirt on a hot summer day.

I don't care what hack comics say, Hypercolor was pretty cool.

Apparently, you come from the parallel Observer dimension in which hybrid tiger-bats are not awesome.

Mr. Clean
When I was very young I met Mr. Clean, doing a promotion at the local grocery store.

Fight! Fight!
I worked with a guy who would hum the Amok Time battle music whenever people would argue in a meeting.

I believe cinephiles refer to it as "awesome".