
The empty ritual of the mandatory encore
I love this ritual. Everyone in the audience knows what's coming, but we still clap mightily.

I dug out DF this weekend as well. In my first attempt, five of the original seven dwarfs were killed by trogs before I even got the first room dug. When my miner fell into a bottomless chasm, I decided it would be cruel to make the one remaining dwarf (a fisherdwarf, I believe) live as a hermit, so I abandoned the

In a parrallel world…
Ladytron still exists. Awesome!

I think John Henry is innocent at this point. If he's part of anything, it's without his knowledge.

Because I'm lousy with names, John Cena and Michael Cera are the same person.

Terminator diagrams on the phone
When the henchmen shocks Cameron and prepares to drill, he asks whoever's on the other end of the phone where he got these diagrams, and says "Your brother got them?" (or words to that effect)

Yeah, I should have added that it's also impossible for any human to play. That's why there are so many epic failure stories, and no epic successes.

Dwarf Fortress is insane, and I highly recommend it.

Jesus vs. the Athiests
My go-to funny: the big fight scene between Jesus and the athiests in "Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter"


Death N' Taxes: The traditional TV model isn't dead, unfortunately. As an example, Terminator picks up 33% more viewers (the most of any show) when time shifting and online viewing is taken into consideration. That means that fully three-quarters of the audience is sitting on the couch on Friday night watching as it

What works in our favour is that the first 13 episodes are already written, filmed, edited, and sitting in a vault somewhere. The money's already been spent, so it would take a particularly catastrophic situation for it to be cheaper not to air them.

Also: "I'm king of the birds!"

My favourite line
"They melted your statue into a brick and sunk it in the sea."

I like the direction the creators of the show have taken, even if it leads to early cancellation. Compared to shows like Lost and BSG, Terminator is pretty low budget.

You know what this episode needed? Cavemen.

You're right, Jorge - that sure did sound insensitive!

He's history's greatest monster!

Maybe it didn't move the series much closer to the end game, whatever that may be, but there's something to be said for idling in interesting territory.