
Thank you. It's a shittier version of "Beat It." It's like the producers just said, "Hey, how come no one has tried to sound like this Michael Jackson guy, but with none of the talent and originality?"

Tragedy=/= compelling. Now, I will say that D'Angelo's story is one of
the best executed arcs of the series, but that is the sole redeeming
factor of that season. If you want to talk tragedy, we can talk about
what happened to Wallace in season 1, what happened between Stringer and
Avon is season 3, McNulty's descent

Then its a tie between Season 2 and 3

No, the Lana Del Ray backlash has a lot to do with the fact that she has no talent.

MM's performance is just spectacular. Also, his little line about there being a psych ward in Lubbock Texas was just spot on.

He did get to bang her all those times.

Holy shit, this is the greatest thing ever.

"Too Much"?

Man, I really miss those obscene coach Eric posts we used to get.

It does seem like the plot could easily be resolved by a rousing Coach Taylor speech.

I believe he directed all the episodes, as well.

Eh, getting kicked in the nuts isn't that bad. Certainly better than swallowing a jarful of fingernails or prostate cancer.

Let's go over the evidence again of why that doesn't make sense. He got ten points. Ok, cool, he had the hot hand. Ten rebounds. Well, hold on, if you got all of your rebounds off misses that means you dominated the boards, like completely. That means the other team only got ten points.I say that because there had to

Man, at first I was like "Dude is on some bullshit; you can't do that." Then I checked Amazon, and lo and behold, it is free for prime members. Key and Peele is free too. Shit.

Marvel Vs. Capcom

This fucking country. Thanks Obama.

Or at the very least, a solo album from Andre 3000.

"Outkast Bombs in Baghdad over bombs that bombed Bombs Over Baghdad."

Hey that's that thing I've seen and the internet has replicated it, but taken away all the parts that made it unique or interesting!

I know they'll handle the crisis in Syria with the subtlety and deft of pen that only The Newsroom posseses.