
But what about Freddie Jackson sipping a milkshake in a snowstorm?

somehow even more forgettable than Crash Bandicoot

I don't think the NFL will allow the yellow jumpsuit, but everything else looks good to go.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. Before you reply, are you in favor of Nude Cookie Day. I mean you don't have a choice since I already established it, but I think you're agreeing with that.

Wait, I actually agree with your last one if memory serves correctly.

That's a literal translation, not an actual definition. No, a deus ex machina doesn't have to be a device. It's an inexplicable event, character, object, or ability. It doesn't have to involve a God coming out of a machine. The fact that it was inexplicable and unexplained make it a deus ex machina. Yeah, we knew

Wait, that's not the question. Do you think saying anything you want means that you've "established" something. If so, I would like to establish today as national "Nude Cookie Day" Why and how? Don't worry about that, because I said it that means I've established it.

Its existence was established 6 episodes ago. It didn't "come out of
nowhere" anymore than a gun hanging on a wall in the background does
when it's used.

It would have been a deus ex machina if we had never seen the tree
before, and out of nowhere Tenzin takes Korra to this random tree and
says meditate here and she saves the world. Instead, Tenzin simply
reveals that this tree we'd all come to know as Vaatu's prison has its
OWN identity separate of its perceived one.

No, it's nonsensical and rather idiotic.

but we've established in the previous episodes that you can bend in the Spirit World

I'm not sure if it was as dumb as the first season, which really retroactively screwed the whole series, but man that was stupid.

That's actually not as stupid as what actually happens.

it felt like when you've just stepped out in front of a moving car, and then pulled back just in time… Pure rush

Teenage Riot is the correct answer, in terms of finding their most striking song that you can immediately connect with.

Best Sponge Bob=Best Rocko

The Simpsons


Yeah, I might need to dust off my premium Mr. Skin account passcode site to watch this.

Preferably with at least 4 other dudes and while wearing a black trenchcoat.