
I starred this discussion. I assume collecting enough will allow me to open up Bowser's door.

Jumping to conclusions isn't really preparing for a discussion.

Shooting a guy in the head must have made for some steamy bedroom banter.

It has never (NEVER) been more obvious than right now that the problems of this show begin and end with Korra's character.

I don't think you know what that means.

If your response isn't "Shut up, Marie, shut up, shut up, shut up!" then you've failed us all.

How I Met My Husband is a pretty great intro to her. You can find that pretty easily. Too Much Happiness is front to back classic.

Wait, isn't it Mary Elizabeth Day?

LOL rap albums.


Also misleading is "Pearl Jam's pretty great new album."

She's terrified of ever losing control like that again, so she demands
unquestioning support from her allies and values making quick and
decisive decisions over good ones.

I like to think of Korra as a dumb Walter White or a psychotic Marlo Stanfield.

Nothing should do that.

Not to mention that the parent show features one of the clearest and
best-written depictions of this truth I've ever seen, in Zuko's arc.

"I think that unless you're writing a sunday school lesson, having your
characters always and immediately being punished for every bad decision
they make is weak writing."

1) The "we're only halfway done" excuse is going to be valid up until
we're on episode 8 of this season. I never claimed that she was supposed
to learn any of these lessons over the course of Season 1.

"There's a possible universe out there where at the end of this season,
Korra does not learn how to re-evaluate the way she interacts with
people. In that universe, I'm angry and flipping out with the rest of
this season's current naysayers. But right now I have trouble criticizing these characters for their flaws

I really hope her break-up helps her re-evaluate the way she interacts with people.

It's almost like he likes movies!