
The AV Club

Fuck you, Fox

Fuck you, Fox.

Eh, I'll defend the Pain fight in Naruto. It was hyperbolic, and I think that was the point. A lot of it looks just plain ugly, but the animation isn't bad; however, the art is just gruesome, which, once again, I thought was the point. Also, Shipp has its fair share of beautiful moments:


Ejaculating into your bosses coffee mug, of course.

No, but that may also be your point.

a little too on the boob.


Just a humble motherfucker with a big-ass dick.

the 2013 Chandler Bing…the Human Rollerblade

I find that hard to believe in a way that doesn't praise Kanye at all.

Jesse, you asked me if I was in the meth business or the money business. Neither, I'm in the seeing you ejaculate in my bed business.


Well, I know what I'm doing for the rest of the day.

Young Garnier Fructis the pre-cum baby, AKA the harvester of Pauses.

Nah, season 1 and 2 were great season's of TV.

Read an excerpt of this in The New Yorker and found it to be an interesting read. I really loved Interpreter of Maladies as well, so I may give it a chance based on goodwill alone. 

I don't know Carlos. Why is this so hard to suss out then? She lived in the communal part of the southern tribe at some point and then moved to a compound. How long was she there, what were the rules in regards to her schooling, and was it just a training ground? There are a lot of things that remain unclear about the

Once again, why are you using Zuko as your defense? Zuko's arc was planned out and completely different. And stop acting like this was a show that was planned to have multi seasons. You're still ignoring the question.