
I don't really consider the dating plan to be as dick shrinkingly bad as everyone else does, but the pornstar thing was awful. The therapist's reaction to that after hearing it from Dan is the low point of the show for me even though I really like the second season even more so than the first.

He turned Insert Pun into Zodiac.

I never watched this so this kind of a good enough reason for me to open Netflix and finally get to viewing it along with these reviews. I hear a lot of good things, but I don't know too much about the show so I'm pretty excited to delve in. 

The bulls in The Sun Also Rises is like a scholarship to Harvard. Because they're hard to get or something.

ASSistant photographer


Well, that's an opinion I guess.

Joan's law AKA the STACKED act.

Holy shit, I'm an unabashed Ocean's 12 fan (music+scenery+photography), but Julia Robert's performance is awful. Maybe it's not her performance and maybe it's more about the fact that there's a scene where Julia Roberts plays Julia Roberts, and a whole slew of actors, the writers, Soderbergh, and the whole film crew

Not knowing that much about Quantum Leap, whenever I hear Scott Bakula I instantly get reminded of this:

HBO Nathan is having a Manic Pixie Dream Girl marathon. HBO Leonard is having Avengers 2 for its feature presentation.

That UK or US? I ask because I'm more of a fan of Gareth Peen-in than Dwight K Scooge.

I don't quite think she's saying all that. I think she's irked by the fact
that her work is about sex being messy, emotional and something more
(or less) than a fantasy and a porn parody of that destroys (among other
things) its message. It's almost its perfect antithesis. It's like a program that uses pull quotes

I think her intent is what you're getting at in the second part. Porn, I
think we can all agree, presents a fantasy. Lena is saying that in her
show she is trying to counteract that fantasy kind of sex and show a
more messy, uncomfortable, emotionally confusing experience of
sexuality, which in her mind is more

Even though The A.V. Club hasn’t taken the “Oh my God, of course
it’s going to be the best thing ever!” tone, we’re still a little bit
guilty of building up the hype machine to unreasonable proportions.

Season 15?

Yeah so how graphic are the sex scenes again? I want to know for……artistic reasons.

Now when you say "hanging"…….

From the porn parody or the show?

Yeah I'll be damned if a porn star stumped me (phrasing), but I don't get it.