
Ironically, it's co-written by a female.

Yeah, it seemed like the writing crew just made this to get a rise out of their fan base. Rob said they wanted to do something different even if it was universally bad they wanted to do it anyways. My problem is that this seemed to be intentionally bad.

The show has actually never dipped in quality. You'll have a few people say season 1 and 2 were the best, but most people will say that's blasphemy. Season 3 to now is just fantastic. Last season contains some of my all time favorites in fact.

Hold on now. This episode was indeed awful, but lets all be civilized here. Mac's Big Break is amazing for the jabroni dialogue and Cricket on the radio show. The Gang Cracks the Liberty Bell is great as well too, but for whatever reason gets dumped on a lot. I think this maybe their first true "shitty" episode.

Eh, you can't say any male comedian is good looking or "teh sex". They all have to be distinct looking to show that they're different and they can't be too attractive because they have to be relatable. Obviously Pryor was probably knee deep during his pinnacle but he would call himself ugly before he said he was

In what universe are Jennifer Aniston and Olivia Munn not super fucking hot.

Like that's an excuse.

To be fair, they retconned that so that it had continuity.

Pretty fetch reply here.

I don't think I've seen them be that nasty or mean in season 1.

Hey step away from my American Dad random commenter.

Why does it sound like Margaret Eby is guest starring?

Last episode was atrocious. I also think Harmon is close to losing it and that can't help.

Are you asking if there are any straight males on Earth?

Shut up.

if I don't have anything better to do Monday nights at 8:30

Seems like he admitted the show has a multitude of problems, but the grade isn't matching the review or the quality of the show. I think people see the potential and would like to enjoy it, but there are too many awful elements in place. The review reads more negative than positive. And I'm not really sure I can agree


I'm not really weighing in or adding to a discussion, but Black Kids suck, a lot.

The West one is hilarious:
BUT this muthafucka done put on
womens garments one too many times to not get called out for it son.
This niggas drivin his gender mobile in the middle of the freeway wit no
regards for which way the traffic is goin AT ALL b.