
I guess sympathy is the wrong word, but understanding. Yeah I'm more willing to believe it's a starving man story, but yes it'd be foolish to say that his actions aren't motivated by the fact that he thinks he's a brilliant man who should get everything he wants and was angered by the fact that his life had an end

Indeed in regards to the chair scene.

Goddamnit I missed this.

How important is a kill-of-the-week for Dexter fans? I’d argue that by this point, there’s no need to shoehorn in a kill in every episode.

Depending on how long this Jason arc last, the character could use a lot more development.

I think you're ignoring too many of the powerful elements of TV writing. We've been following Walter White for four years now. He's a developed and multifaceted character and that lends some sympathy. Perspective is everything, and we've gotten nothing but his perspective. Even in you're example, you left out that he

When I saw the shot, I knew people would be hailing that moment as
the "dark side" consuming Walt. It was definitely something, but I feel
like it got lessened by the circumstances. He used something non lethal
so Brock is seemingly in stable condition. He never intended to kill the
child, and yes poisoning a child

"flop swear."

Family Guy's season premiere. Both mention swimming in gold coins.

Raffi=comedy gold, and Seth Rogen as dirty Randy is icing. His reasoning behind working at a library being my favorite line.

Yeah, episode was hilarious too.

.. maybe since Michael proposed?

Definitely should have popped the shirt off.

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Dennis in a nutshell.

Yeah they said this season would be dark, I'm guessing this is what they were referring to.

That kind of bugged me. Way too late and way too obvious. But I'm not here for intricate and innovative plots. I did wish we got more Eagleton out of it though.

I know your trying to do the whole "Well I'm going to paraphrase this guy and take his statement out of context so it seems like his post didn't make sense" shenanigan, but that actually is what I'm suggesting. I missed out on the show early on and I couldn't fathom why it got so much acclaim for spawning

MF did have a great pilot if memory serves me right.

"We're making Awesome X Dolls, and they're going to kick so much ass you'll probably go blind."