aire star

About Hannah being unattractive, I find it interesting that Lena Dunham is actually MORE attractive than her character in the show.  She seems to be blatantly pointing out her physical faults in the show, rather than doing what most women do in reality—covering every perceived imperfection.  It completely skews how we

About Hannah being unattractive, I find it interesting that Lena Dunham is actually MORE attractive than her character in the show.  She seems to be blatantly pointing out her physical faults in the show, rather than doing what most women do in reality—covering every perceived imperfection.  It completely skews how we

My favorite part of this episode was Ian Somerhalder as "old" Damon, without all the crazy eye and mouth tics.  It's good to know he can pull that back a little—they get a little distracting when he's in full Damon-snark mode.

I didn't like Chloe's storyline, and thought that it took away from an already mediocre episode.  I kept waiting for the big reveal that she's in it with her dad.  It would've been much more believable than her accidentally butt-dialing her father while in the computer room with Neal and having no idea that the

The scene with Bobby Newport, Leslie and Ben in the restaurant actually reminded me distinctly of the cafeteria scene in Wet Hot American Summer when Paul Rudd has to pick up his mess.  So I loved it.

So I really like this book…
…and this is already making me NOT want to see the film.

@haysoos - I DO remember The Class! Sort of ashamed to admit it, but I will just claim that it means I liked Lizzy Caplan before it was cool. Her character was a little one-dimensional, but at least she was present more than in Mean Girls.


Vlad impaled my distant cousin's dog! Coincidence? I think not!

kinda glad i don't go and just read recaps instead. seems more enjoyable that way.

the 3rd act was my favorite part—he's consumed with revenge, then—IRONY!—the revenge accomplishes what he thought he was getting revenge for! the rest of it was just kinda stalling till the could justify all that.

funny people may have the most disappointing 3rd act i've ever seen. i actually REALLY enjoyed the first 2/3 of the movie. that's what i've always loved about apatow—the pity/empathy-comedy. the whole "i never realized the love of my life would save me" just DESTROYED the movie for me.