Gregory Scott Bryant Jr

We do not have to backtrack at all to avoid this scene. I and several others have put forth entirely viable and reasonable ways to avoid it.

Rape victims should not be used as a means of galvanizing men into action. It's MORE OFFENSIVE when rather than it being a throw away character, it is in effect a focal character that is reduced to being the reason why a man is sad. If you can't grasp then, then you need to at the very least understand the value of

You really believe that the only viable way for Sansa's story to move is her being raped?

You're going to have to keep posting it so long as you contradict yourself.

Last week I made a post that basically amounted to: "either the net breaks or the fish dies" when it came to Nellie and Andy, but it appears the writers decided to go with "the net doesn't break because the fish becomes a smaller fish and swims through it."