
I felt the same way about Adam until very recently, but I think he's toned it down a little these past few episodes. Either that, or his scenes with Kristina distort my perceptions of what he's really like. 'Cause let's face it, Kristina can make anyone seem like a normal, well-adjusted, likable human being. And as

Most annoying, unlikable, and unsympathetic Parenthood characters, in order from "WHY, GOD, WHY?!" to "You really bug me sometimes":

I disagree with this review…I thought the fist half hour felt like it lasted way too long, and the second was the funnier one. And I like this new, talkative Lily. That scene where Cameron calls the baby "it" and "thing," and you just hear Lily in the background going (and I'm paraphrasing) "kill the baby" was really

I would totally watch this channel.

I thought it was pretty obvious that River was imprisoned for killing the Doctor. In fact, I think one of the tiny people said it.