
Never occurred to you that they can take canned laughter and play it over the *heh* *cough* of those shows?

Angus T. Jones is 17 now so it's not that outlandish. Besides, there's a crapload of teen pregnancies (at least in the UK-youngest grandfather is 30 years old. I fear for humanity.)

Shush! They'll find you!

You know what they should have done? I don't watch the show but I have an idea that's much, MUCH better than the production team's "FIRST FAMOUS PERSON WE CAN FIND" Idea.

I agree. I think best thing to do is watch the pilot yourself, then take a gander at what other people think.

Completely. In fact, I've so many women over right now I almost don't have time to post on this.

Flip video camera. Sponsor!

My god, Whitney is annoying. I haven't even heard her or seen any clips from her show, but…goddamn…how can your face look that weird, familiar yet alien? HOW?!

I quite enjoyed the Pilot. A little bit rushed, but it kept me entertained. Not sure where they're going from here, but it can either get really good or REALLY bad.

Or the implied pedophilia.

Let's just hope their plans of an Audio/Visual Oceanworld won't go down the tubes.

You people are all insane!

I thought Fred was a good character :'(

My weird History friend sees this and his complaints about the episode were:

Yes it does! Wasn't keen on After the Fall though, I think it was made for people who didn't like the ending to Angel.


I don't know whether you follow the comics or not, but they're starting a series of 'Angel and Faith', which is exactly what it says-Angel and Faith working together.

Dude, you're forgetting Storyteller and Dirty Girls. You can't deny Nathan Fillion was an excellent villain.

Damn ,I meant Dirty Girls. Always get those two mixed up.

@Bill Reed, what was the single worst episode in Season 7 for you? I think in my mind, all episodes post-Conversations melded into one Mediocre Blob, until Bad Girls.