
I actually thought it was kinda sad we never got to see their wedding… Also, the best scene between these twp this season was the one on the roof because they both opened up…
Who would have thought they jumped universes and timelines to be with each other… They exchange sweet glances and cold chaste pecks on the lips,

But why do they have different names? So… Little O is Michael. When he grows up to become a Big O he's September… And then when he's un-Observerized he's Donald? It's just so confusing! Are we to suppose that Donald took his smaller self to an elderly couple to look after him? I thought that one person can't exist at

But why do they have different names? So… Little O is Michael. When he grows up to become a Big O he's September… And then when he's un-Observerized he's Donald? It's just so confusing! Are we to suppose that Donald took his smaller self to an elderly couple to look after him? I thought that one person can't exist at

You are right, it could be September's child, now I remember how he said to Peter in 3x11: It must be hard being a father. Maybe that's why he saved Peter from the frozen lake in the first timeline, because the Walter/Peter relationship reminded him of the bond he shared with his own son or something like that… Maybe

You are right, it could be September's child, now I remember how he said to Peter in 3x11: It must be hard being a father. Maybe that's why he saved Peter from the frozen lake in the first timeline, because the Walter/Peter relationship reminded him of the bond he shared with his own son or something like that… Maybe

Last week I craved for Walter
in amber and Gene in amber action figures. Now I want my September action
figure. I guess I’m a spoiled child.

Last week I craved for Walter
in amber and Gene in amber action figures. Now I want my September action
figure. I guess I’m a spoiled child.

LOL good explanation it actually makes sense! Hasn't occurred to me!

LOL good explanation it actually makes sense! Hasn't occurred to me!

Pondering on Polivia: Why isn't Olivia wearing her wedding ring, what do you think?
Also, I liked the part about Etta: It's so hard to see her face but at the same time I want to… :(

Pondering on Polivia: Why isn't Olivia wearing her wedding ring, what do you think?
Also, I liked the part about Etta: It's so hard to see her face but at the same time I want to… :(

Yeah, I didn't express well… I'm not a native English speaker… I wanted to say gruesome scene, it was really uncomfortable watching his head shaking and his eyes bulging, while tears were coming out of them… I had to avert my eyes… :( 

Yeah, I didn't express well… I'm not a native English speaker… I wanted to say gruesome scene, it was really uncomfortable watching his head shaking and his eyes bulging, while tears were coming out of them… I had to avert my eyes… :( 

Great call on Harry Potter, LOL. It's true. The pieces of the plan are really like Horcruxes. Even the title of the next episode: The Boy Must Live is like The Boy Who Lived… Not to mention Woldemark.

Great call on Harry Potter, LOL. It's true. The pieces of the plan are really like Horcruxes. Even the title of the next episode: The Boy Must Live is like The Boy Who Lived… Not to mention Woldemark.

Sorry. My bad. It's Asterisc. Or was it Asteroid?
I think I'm gonna go with Aspen.

Sorry. My bad. It's Asterisc. Or was it Asteroid?
I think I'm gonna go with Aspen.

I agree completely, about the Broyles and Nina comparison. It's illogical: they catch her, but not him? 
Also, it was so strange when Windmark was like: Where
are the fugitives? LOL: they’re right behind you, blind Observer! Blind
Observer. Huh. Now that’s a paradox. Or an oxymoron. One of those.
Seriously, if Observers

I agree completely, about the Broyles and Nina comparison. It's illogical: they catch her, but not him? 
Also, it was so strange when Windmark was like: Where
are the fugitives? LOL: they’re right behind you, blind Observer! Blind
Observer. Huh. Now that’s a paradox. Or an oxymoron. One of those.
Seriously, if Observers

Did you guys see how they got
reallllllly long phone numbers in 2036? Oh and by the way: Android phone makes
it to the future, in case you didn’t know.