
Did you guys see how they got
reallllllly long phone numbers in 2036? Oh and by the way: Android phone makes
it to the future, in case you didn’t know.

So how about that lab scene? I
was like, what the heck, Nina’s lab has an Observer in the coma. First I
thought: Is it William Bell? And then, jokingly: It would be cool if it were John
Scott. I remembered the famous sentence: He’s been dead for five and a half
hours. Question him.

So how about that lab scene? I
was like, what the heck, Nina’s lab has an Observer in the coma. First I
thought: Is it William Bell? And then, jokingly: It would be cool if it were John
Scott. I remembered the famous sentence: He’s been dead for five and a half
hours. Question him.

Ditto. We're into some creepy scenes in the next episode, definitely… Who knows what's waiting for us in the labyrinth of Walter's memories…

Ditto. We're into some creepy scenes in the next episode, definitely… Who knows what's waiting for us in the labyrinth of Walter's memories…

I am happy about the tank too. Alas, I was kinda hoping Olivia would be getting into it. In season five so far, we had shirtless Peter, Peter's bedhead, Peter's hairporn… Doesn't Wyman appreciate male fans anymore? What gives?

I am happy about the tank too. Alas, I was kinda hoping Olivia would be getting into it. In season five so far, we had shirtless Peter, Peter's bedhead, Peter's hairporn… Doesn't Wyman appreciate male fans anymore? What gives?

When Walter started bugging Michael with Red
Vines, I was like: Ok, Walter, turn it down a notch, maybe the boy prefers
M&Ms to Red Vines…  

When Walter started bugging Michael with Red
Vines, I was like: Ok, Walter, turn it down a notch, maybe the boy prefers
M&Ms to Red Vines…  

OK, so: where the yummy chocolate
fudge is Astrid again? The most underrated person on the show. Exclusively for
the avclub readers, here’s is an excerpt of her diary:

OK, so: where the yummy chocolate
fudge is Astrid again? The most underrated person on the show. Exclusively for
the avclub readers, here’s is an excerpt of her diary:

Ebert's Law of Economy of Characters LOL! I take my hat off to you, sir! So true. Would've liked your post several times if possible. Laughing so hard right now in Technodrome.
I didn't catch you mentioning it before, I guess I was just too focused on last week's episode… 
I was thinking that Donald was Sam Weiss but

Ebert's Law of Economy of Characters LOL! I take my hat off to you, sir! So true. Would've liked your post several times if possible. Laughing so hard right now in Technodrome.
I didn't catch you mentioning it before, I guess I was just too focused on last week's episode… 
I was thinking that Donald was Sam Weiss but

I wonder what Michael showed Nina.

I wonder what Michael showed Nina.

Nina Sharp sort of looked like a cross between
Rogue's gloves, Storm's hair, and Professor X's chair.

Nina Sharp sort of looked like a cross between
Rogue's gloves, Storm's hair, and Professor X's chair.

It's totally true! 
We have seen them using the Peter’s old glass
trick from The Road Not Taken! It was a cool ex-case flashback. Stealing Peter’s
ideas, eh, Windmark? Now… My question is how did the Observers know about Peter’s

It's totally true! 
We have seen them using the Peter’s old glass
trick from The Road Not Taken! It was a cool ex-case flashback. Stealing Peter’s
ideas, eh, Windmark? Now… My question is how did the Observers know about Peter’s

That really was great speech by Nina, I loved it when she said: Not unlike a lizard to tilt
your head! It appears that the Observers are the animals, not the human beings!
And cold blooded animals at that!