
That really was great speech by Nina, I loved it when she said: Not unlike a lizard to tilt
your head! It appears that the Observers are the animals, not the human beings!
And cold blooded animals at that!

What do you think, what is the
relation between Michael and September (Donald)? Are they one and the same,
father and son… Or Michael is August? My head is spinning around…

What do you think, what is the
relation between Michael and September (Donald)? Are they one and the same,
father and son… Or Michael is August? My head is spinning around…

Here is 5x11 The Boy Must Live
promo for you:

Here is 5x11 The Boy Must Live
promo for you:

It was a very emotional
episode in my opinion and it also gave us an answer we were waiting for.

It was a very emotional
episode in my opinion and it also gave us an answer we were waiting for.

Yeah! He could look like a Captain Hook! With the hook instead of the removed hand, of course. And… Ambered Peter could wear green like Peter Pan! :)

Yeah! He could look like a Captain Hook! With the hook instead of the removed hand, of course. And… Ambered Peter could wear green like Peter Pan! :)

I can only say one thing: I wish I could remember my umbrella like that!

I can only say one thing: I wish I could remember my umbrella like that!

Um… What do you guys think about the significance of Walter's three companions: the frog, the seahorse and the dog (Toto?). Are they metaphors for something? The seahorse represents the fatherhood, but what do the frog and the dog symbolize? Will the choice of animals be important, is it a foreshadowing of some kind

Um… What do you guys think about the significance of Walter's three companions: the frog, the seahorse and the dog (Toto?). Are they metaphors for something? The seahorse represents the fatherhood, but what do the frog and the dog symbolize? Will the choice of animals be important, is it a foreshadowing of some kind

I don't think we'll see Francis… :( But there were some shapshots from the set last week that indicate we definitely will see Lincoln Lee from the Altverse again (albeit older, with strands of grey hair and all)… 
Maybe he is "Donald" everyone is talking about and Walter simply refers to him like that because he forgot

I don't think we'll see Francis… :( But there were some shapshots from the set last week that indicate we definitely will see Lincoln Lee from the Altverse again (albeit older, with strands of grey hair and all)… 
Maybe he is "Donald" everyone is talking about and Walter simply refers to him like that because he forgot

Thanks! That's actually quite a plausible explanation. Apparently, though, by doing this, the show is taking a bit cyclical direction, don't you think? 
Now that Peter exists, and that he and the team saved Michal, boy September, September will be able to save Amberverse boy Peter? Or…
I can't wait to see how it all

Thanks! That's actually quite a plausible explanation. Apparently, though, by doing this, the show is taking a bit cyclical direction, don't you think? 
Now that Peter exists, and that he and the team saved Michal, boy September, September will be able to save Amberverse boy Peter? Or…
I can't wait to see how it all

I was just pondering on those final scenes where Walter has the acid flashback to "Peter" episode from season 2. If the timeline was reset at the end of season 3, how does this "new" Walter has the same memories as the S1-3 "old" Walter. Or did the episode "Peter" turn out differently in the new timeline?

I was just pondering on those final scenes where Walter has the acid flashback to "Peter" episode from season 2. If the timeline was reset at the end of season 3, how does this "new" Walter has the same memories as the S1-3 "old" Walter. Or did the episode "Peter" turn out differently in the new timeline?

You're right! I've rewatched the scene as well now and it really is Walter… I don't know why the man looked like an Observer to me… I understand now. It's the scene that haunts Walter even at the end of the episode. 
I was surprised to see Nina with the "Observer" because, at least in this episode, she was his moral