
That swagger, my man… That swagger… M-hm.

Book 5, Harry Potter And The Order Of Phoenix
Season 5-Peter Bishop and the Fringe Division.
 Voldemark: You're a fool, Peter Bishop, and you will lose everything. Your coming to the Ministry of Magic tonight was not coincidental. Everything happened for a reason and exactly as I intended it to occur.
Then Peter is

Book 5, Harry Potter And The Order Of Phoenix
Season 5-Peter Bishop and the Fringe Division.
 Voldemark: You're a fool, Peter Bishop, and you will lose everything. Your coming to the Ministry of Magic tonight was not coincidental. Everything happened for a reason and exactly as I intended it to occur.
Then Peter is

Ah, yes. Fauxie is a Foxy Lady… My grief for season 3 has resurfaced once again. Why did they close the bridge, why? Love me some Faux-Livia right about now.

Ah, yes. Fauxie is a Foxy Lady… My grief for season 3 has resurfaced once again. Why did they close the bridge, why? Love me some Faux-Livia right about now.

If he takes the bullet Olivia gave him and sticks it in the back of his neck instead of that tech, Peter might pull Wild Wild West Doc Holiday on us just yet and develop some interesting and bizarre shooting skills.

If he takes the bullet Olivia gave him and sticks it in the back of his neck instead of that tech, Peter might pull Wild Wild West Doc Holiday on us just yet and develop some interesting and bizarre shooting skills.

I admire you, kind sir. If my coworkers name was Asspen, I would so not manage to not giggle to her face. With or without previously having read my comment here on av.club.

I admire you, kind sir. If my coworkers name was Asspen, I would so not manage to not giggle to her face. With or without previously having read my comment here on av.club.

I was thinking Walter as well. I just couldn't will myself to say it. Or to type it. Because then it would be out there. Then… It could become… The truth.

I was thinking Walter as well. I just couldn't will myself to say it. Or to type it. Because then it would be out there. Then… It could become… The truth.

You should totally hit that. ;)

You should totally hit that. ;)

The moment with the kid.
Kid: Everybody is talking about you.
Olivia, sweetly: What are they saying?
Kid, ruining the magical bonding: That you are on a reward wire. There's a bounty on you. 
Olivia going into the paranoid mode…

The moment with the kid.
Kid: Everybody is talking about you.
Olivia, sweetly: What are they saying?
Kid, ruining the magical bonding: That you are on a reward wire. There's a bounty on you. 
Olivia going into the paranoid mode…

So Olivia shows up at the roof… Beaten up, deep gashes on her cheeks… Blood oozing from her fresh wounds and she gasps in pain:
Peter tilts his head, mildly amused, unnerved and merely states:
How about:
Hi, honey, are you alright?
What the hell happened to your face?

So Olivia shows up at the roof… Beaten up, deep gashes on her cheeks… Blood oozing from her fresh wounds and she gasps in pain:
Peter tilts his head, mildly amused, unnerved and merely states:
How about:
Hi, honey, are you alright?
What the hell happened to your face?

Loved this:
Walter: We are going to need a brain to see how the tech works.
Aspen: Whose exactly did you have in mind?
Love how Asteroid was afraid not to become a guinea pig, Mr. Papaya or just another expendable gerbil. She knows she's the weakest link. :(

Loved this:
Walter: We are going to need a brain to see how the tech works.
Aspen: Whose exactly did you have in mind?
Love how Asteroid was afraid not to become a guinea pig, Mr. Papaya or just another expendable gerbil. She knows she's the weakest link. :(

1-Seth Gabel was seen on the set. And boy did he look old… So… How did he get there from the AltVerse? What will his role be in the episode?
2-Jasika Nicole said, during the Fringe 100 episode red carpet interviews: The end is mind blowing, you know… Not everyone is going to make it but…