
1-Seth Gabel was seen on the set. And boy did he look old… So… How did he get there from the AltVerse? What will his role be in the episode?
2-Jasika Nicole said, during the Fringe 100 episode red carpet interviews: The end is mind blowing, you know… Not everyone is going to make it but…

We are together in the grief, my brother… Curse the plot that has to adjust to the shortened 13 episode arc!

We are together in the grief, my brother… Curse the plot that has to adjust to the shortened 13 episode arc!

Since Etta's place has FINALLY been compromised, Walter and Astrid won't be getting much sleep in the FORMERLY HARWARD LAB (gotta love those letters suspended in the mid-air) because of their primal screams. Is there a new baby on the way? Will it all be off screen? Will the fandom get at least a glimpse of their nude

Since Etta's place has FINALLY been compromised, Walter and Astrid won't be getting much sleep in the FORMERLY HARWARD LAB (gotta love those letters suspended in the mid-air) because of their primal screams. Is there a new baby on the way? Will it all be off screen? Will the fandom get at least a glimpse of their nude

I couldn't have put it better myself. I bow before you.

I couldn't have put it better myself. I bow before you.

I think not…. In the end of S4 she apparently used up all her Cortexiphan to heal the forehead bullet wound or something along those lines… I believe that writers now wish to emphasize the "human" part of all the members of the team and there'll probably be no more superpowers… Each member will be equally valuable and

I think not…. In the end of S4 she apparently used up all her Cortexiphan to heal the forehead bullet wound or something along those lines… I believe that writers now wish to emphasize the "human" part of all the members of the team and there'll probably be no more superpowers… Each member will be equally valuable and

So for a split second, when Anil gave the tech to Olivia in the beginning of the episode, I was totally thinking she was going to put it in her neck. It would be cool seeing Obserlivia and Petserver tracking down Windmark and snapping his neck in unison. I mean, married couples stick together no matter what, right?

So for a split second, when Anil gave the tech to Olivia in the beginning of the episode, I was totally thinking she was going to put it in her neck. It would be cool seeing Obserlivia and Petserver tracking down Windmark and snapping his neck in unison. I mean, married couples stick together no matter what, right?

My little brother went crazy with all the Matrixy moves good ole Pete used against Windmark… He was jumping around the room and screaming: Take that, HALLMARK!
From now on, Windmark is Hallmark in our house.

My little brother went crazy with all the Matrixy moves good ole Pete used against Windmark… He was jumping around the room and screaming: Take that, HALLMARK!
From now on, Windmark is Hallmark in our house.

So after tonight's emotional reunion, Olivia is going to give Peter the Human Kind of love they both deserve. AKA They totally did it offscreen. 
Time to make little September, Bishops!
Sorry. That's just my theory. That the kid from pocket universe, Little O, is September and Pete's and Liv's kid. 
Or maybe he's just

So after tonight's emotional reunion, Olivia is going to give Peter the Human Kind of love they both deserve. AKA They totally did it offscreen. 
Time to make little September, Bishops!
Sorry. That's just my theory. That the kid from pocket universe, Little O, is September and Pete's and Liv's kid. 
Or maybe he's just

Who would've thought that watching the guy cut the back of his own neck and bleed copiously onto his palm can be so romantic? That's Fringe for you!

Who would've thought that watching the guy cut the back of his own neck and bleed copiously onto his palm can be so romantic? That's Fringe for you!

I was also tweeting during the episode using the #HumanKind hashtag. Somewhere around the point when Pacey returned to the lab and while Walter was stitching his shoulder, fangirls started posting frantically: "Shirtless Peter! Whooo!", "OMG OMG thank you Joel Wyman for Josh Jackson's torso" and so on. It was silly.

I was also tweeting during the episode using the #HumanKind hashtag. Somewhere around the point when Pacey returned to the lab and while Walter was stitching his shoulder, fangirls started posting frantically: "Shirtless Peter! Whooo!", "OMG OMG thank you Joel Wyman for Josh Jackson's torso" and so on. It was silly.

Ah, to go back to Season 1… Transparent Scott's body, exploding heads, heart parasites, slugs, porcupine men… Those were the days… 
Of course, back then I knew what was coming so I wasn't even trying to eat and watch Fringe at the same time.
Tonight I was like: Ok, some running, some searching, some BAMF Peter vs