
Ah, to go back to Season 1… Transparent Scott's body, exploding heads, heart parasites, slugs, porcupine men… Those were the days… 
Of course, back then I knew what was coming so I wasn't even trying to eat and watch Fringe at the same time.
Tonight I was like: Ok, some running, some searching, some BAMF Peter vs

Line of the episode: "What happened to your face?" "I just got a little banged up". 
And then my perv thoughts overpowered my sanity. 
The shame… 
It reminded me of Comic Con, actually, when a fan asked Anna what was her greatest lesson on Fringe and she said:
"I think my greatest lesson is to come".

Line of the episode: "What happened to your face?" "I just got a little banged up". 
And then my perv thoughts overpowered my sanity. 
The shame… 
It reminded me of Comic Con, actually, when a fan asked Anna what was her greatest lesson on Fringe and she said:
"I think my greatest lesson is to come".

Ha, ha, you're totally right. She really does get captured all the time.

Ha, ha, you're totally right. She really does get captured all the time.

I hear you. That was an amazing piece of acting from both Jackson and Torv. Simply stunning. The lines that Olivia used were very well written: You're not one of them, Peter, you're one of us… Emotions are our strength not our weakness… She lives in us… Amazing.
The only thing that bothered me was the self-performed

I hear you. That was an amazing piece of acting from both Jackson and Torv. Simply stunning. The lines that Olivia used were very well written: You're not one of them, Peter, you're one of us… Emotions are our strength not our weakness… She lives in us… Amazing.
The only thing that bothered me was the self-performed

When I saw those two skinny guys kidnap Olivia and easily take her away, I was like.. Come on… She pulled a miraculous escape in 1x11 Bound, this should be a piece of cake… It was slightly unbelievable that they could've overpowered our Dunhamnator so easily…

When I saw those two skinny guys kidnap Olivia and easily take her away, I was like.. Come on… She pulled a miraculous escape in 1x11 Bound, this should be a piece of cake… It was slightly unbelievable that they could've overpowered our Dunhamnator so easily…

When she said to Olivia in that creepy voice: Come… I'll show you… I was so suspicious… To me it sounded like: Come… I'll take you to a dark alley, kill you and dispose of your body.
I guess I don't have faith. :) Glad Olivia and me were wrong.
Simone was great in this episode!

When she said to Olivia in that creepy voice: Come… I'll show you… I was so suspicious… To me it sounded like: Come… I'll take you to a dark alley, kill you and dispose of your body.
I guess I don't have faith. :) Glad Olivia and me were wrong.
Simone was great in this episode!

Windmark pressed the elevator button impatiently twice or thrice, just like a human being would… 
We're not so different, you and I… :)

Windmark pressed the elevator button impatiently twice or thrice, just like a human being would… 
We're not so different, you and I… :)

Wait for it… And….

Wait for it… And….

I agree about future Peter. Peter is probably losing his humanity fast and he realizes that he's forgetting even his own daughter, the very reason for which he decided to implant the tech in the first place… So he wants to be reminded of her constantly and this is why he puts up posters of her face everywhere around

I agree about future Peter. Peter is probably losing his humanity fast and he realizes that he's forgetting even his own daughter, the very reason for which he decided to implant the tech in the first place… So he wants to be reminded of her constantly and this is why he puts up posters of her face everywhere around