Copper Boom

"I'm Peggy Olsen, and I would like to decapitate Gandalf."

Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Much of Rory's cultural taste comes from Lorelai in the early seasons. In fact I always thought it was an interesting characterization that Lor seemed more hip and into fads than Rory, though that changes (Rory burning Arcade Fire for her in a later season etc).

Happy Fran Kranz is there only because I just started watching Dollhouse. The world needs more Kranz.


Alaska's outfit looked like something Katy Perry would wear. Which in this case is a compliment.

Alaska has just been a class act on this show. I can't recall her having a truly nasty word for anyone.

Loose seal!

Arrested Westeros got some great new material tonight

This plot line makes him the Dennis Feinstein of Westeros.