Copper Boom

The hit they did on her character was awful. It's a clear demonstration of what happens when show runners bow to the fans demands.

Now that we know Dan is Gossip Girl, the show can also be watched as the chronicle of a deranged sociopath.

Ilana screaming that they were in the FBI made me want her to have Chris Pratt guest star in the future.

House Ludgate: Do you want me to bite him?

Yes, Leslie is the show’s star, but there aren’t really any stories left
to tell with her as the focus. After all these years, she’s found the
perfect job and the perfect family, and it’s hard to see how the show
could really push her to a materially better place in just six episodes

Somewhat disappointed he didn't chime in with "a thing like that!"

Don is having contact with the dead and disavowing himself of the material world. This can only mean one thing: Mad Men has been a seven season long prequel to Marvel's Doctor Strange. In theatres summer 2016!

Right? I want to print it out to show anyone who needs an explanation of what OCD is.

I swear he was actually wearing one of his Don suits. It looked remarkably similar.

Disappointed Gaston wasn't included on this list. When he was a lad he ate four dozen eggs every morning to help him get large. And now that he's grown he eats five dozen eggs, so he's roughly the size of a barge!

I'm planning a bachelorette party that will include going to a drag show.

MLSE also owns the Maple Leafs, so he's committed to their bandwagon as well.

Yes! Sports!

Not while Rachael Leigh Cooke watches…and waits.

I didn't pick up on the reference right away but was in awe in how they shot it. Makes sense why, now I know.

I just want to thank Matt Weiner for doing his part to keep our favourite actresses from the 1990s employed.

Oh, you play Sunday Night Fart Suppression too?


This episode would have been a hard A for me if they had snuck in a reference to the ebaum's world GI Joe dubs.

Oh I get it. Hannibal is Regina George.