meth lab for cutie


since it's both japanese and youtube i lost interest. japanese twins and xtube, i would click on that link.

meet the fockers… how is that even a question.

can't beat free!

that's a good shelf-life.


you're welcome. you've amused me through my insomnia, for that i'm grateful.

there's contracts?! i figured it was pretty much buyer beware.

better than nothing, i guess, even if you don't like red stripe.

weird. added.

i'm partial to russian chicks.

fuck, that reminds me, i haven't had a red stripe in awhile.. goddammit.

i do.

no firsties!

i'd say that's understandable, but if it's really not your thing, it could come across as grating to foreign ears.

honestly, i can get someone not liking deerhoof. i love their first few albums, but if a girlfriend wasn't into them, i'd get it and not be to bothered by it.

first for me.

meet the spartans wasn't even as good as troll 2… jesus.

elitist and pretentious? slim odds.