Reposted Drudge Comments

There is only the lord G-d

In “Audacity of Hope” Barack Hussein Obama writes: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” The quote comes from page 261 of the paperback edition of “The Audacity of Hope.

What a time in our history to have a boy president, with less leadership ability than a girl scout leader, who has no interest other than golf, basketball, taking billion dollar vacations at taxpayer expense, destroying the military, bankrupting our country, and taxing the hard working middle class into poverty, to

Well, when our government uses the words 'lone wolf' smart money says moslems.

Hypocrites! They are spending our money and we sit and let it happen again and again! Is that what the Founding Fathers had in mind?

More typical pretzel logic from an idiot libturd. The slightest push-back, and he drops his phony connection between the Boston attack and the "gun culture". A definitive loser.

If he wants to help change the culture, he might consider getting a real job and boycotting Hollywood.
And by the way dude, they didn't use guns, but following liberal logic, the solution is to ban all kitchen appliances.

Well, this will give Hollywood a good excuse to yet again recycle old ideas for a third time. Wait… Star wars will come out again soon with the new technology and the rich get richer with minimal effort.

typical lefty that roams these roams. Homicidal nuts

Yeah, but his pals at the next choom party will be all like "Dude, that was so righteous what you tweeted, man" and then they'll have sex or something. All they truly care about is what goes on inside of their little bitty box.

EVERYBODY!! Sing with me now…"Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
Everything that's wonderful is sure to come your way
When you're in love with Obooboo to stay"!!!.

Nothing good has come out of Hollywood in years since the liberals started making movies.

FEDS: Ban the trash cans, but the ILLEGAL Kenyan Occupier can remain at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. ObamaFailedEverify.com

The illegal war began in 2008 when Sarah Palin was planted as McCain's running mate to INTENTIONALLY LOSE. Don't take my word for it. See the proof and judge for yourself. Search Sarah Palin's dirty little secret before the tyrannical government bans free speech.

Okay, everyone ignore my breaking of the fourth wall. ;)

Beats me.  I was really excited, too. :(

Can you say TSA with a straight face???
2 billion rounds of ammo
2700 MRACs
Instead of gun control, we need liberal loon gubment control along with bomb control !!!

You don't help sick Americans by instituting a system which will destroy the country and send everyone to the poor house.

But, but, but, they promised that if we just re-elected Obama everything would be sugar and rainbows!

And so goes my "Reposted Drudge Comments" idea… damn AV Club comment system isn't showing my avatar or username.