
List time!

Who was that lady, anyway? Was that ever explained?

What, are you saying you can hasn't of a reading plain English sentence?

Peter didn't leave Supergiant — she left him. And frankly it would be weird if he wasn't a horndog lothario, considering that the main things he contributes to the team are a spaceship and a 22 charisma,

That variant cover by Ben Caldwell and Rico Renzi bugs me, because it doesn't look like Squirrel Girl, it looks like a girl Squirrel Girl would see in a fashion magazine and be uncomfortable with herself for not resembling, cosplaying as Squirrel Girl.

My only gripe is that the funny meta-narration at the bottom of every page is in eye-straining yellow text on a white background. I understand why you don't want it to be obtrusive, but my poor, poor eyes. :(

Different denominations have different opinions; some interpretations in many Protestant faiths hold that any Christian can perform the rite in extreme circumstances, and even Catholics agree. Based on her prominent role in the service we saw, I would not be surprised if Ruby is a lay deacon for her church; if she's

I agree it wasn't a series highlight (how could it be without Ruxin around?) but I have a soft spot for the "Kevin and Jenny are terrible parents" plots. The sitcom world could use more moms — and yes, Katie Aselton gets all the props here because lazy, clueless and begrudgingly involved dads are already a sitcom

Someday I need to shake the hand of the person who wrote the line "Osteoporose" for Vernon. I never thought there'd be a funnier bro-doctor than The Todd from Scrubs, but goddamn, that was hilarious.

Hmm, that's funny. Other than the Death Star, do we ever see a space-based weapon make an orbital strike on a target through atmosphere in Star Wars? I can't even think of anything that shoots rockets; it's blaster bolts or nothing. And we already know those aren't accurate over any kind of distance in atmosphere.

I guess one of the unwritten laws of being Ra's al-Ghul is that you have to help pretty twentysomething white girls with their issues*, which is why the original Ra's decided to give Felicity relationship advice apropos of nothing last season.

I was amusing myself by doing my best Q. Lance impression after the
Lazarus Pit scene:

The general ordered the TIEs out into a standard grid search pattern, so the only one that attacked was the one that actually picked the right square. Doesn't really explain why the others didn't fly over to support once the first one got dusted, but I suppose Kallus had lost confidence in their ability to get the

I was thinking of TWOK too! Even started humming the orchestral music from the battle scene while the two sides were peering into the monitor trying to find each other.

Everybody a show doesn't focus on in the first few episodes seems lame (see also the father in The Grinder). But today's shows have big casts, so it takes time to fully introduce everybody to the audience. I think once the restaurant gets a solid B-plot or two we'll start to warm up to those characters — IMO they're

Don't ask me how he got in or how he beat the elevator there, but I think our heroes were still hanging onto one of his tattoo-cards, so he did have a way of finding them in the lair.

When I hear "Somebody saaaaaave us," my thoughts turn immediately to:

I enjoyed Annelise's subplot more than Ravi's ("Are you the bathroom lady?" "I used to be so much more…") but it makes sense that he would be threatened by Gerald. He clearly sees himself as an heir apparent to the restaurant, but the presence of an actual heir complicates that relationship, and Jimmy is established

He asked her if he should leave and she told him he should. The implication is that he would have stayed if she'd asked. But I think both of them realize that Jimmy is not emotionally equipped to be someone's shoulder to cry on, even if that is the cultural expectation of boyfriendhood — moreover, the two of them

I'm gonna need this one explained. Is it because of Monk? Shitstain is fussy? I'm lost here.