
Will Ferrell's prodigious comic talent is strongly tempered by the fact that if his director doesn't keep a very tight leash on him, he will tend to suck up all the oxygen in the room, to the detriment of his co-stars and the project as a whole.

A.J.'s dismissal of Forrest's ability to get the perfect body was nice, but for me the diss of the night was after his two-star rating of being a cult leader, when she mockingly chants "One, two…I guess that's it."

I agree, the end of the episode legitimately works as a found-footage horror film. Armisen's flat affect for the whole previous half-hour suddenly becomes sinister, and the rising threat of Hader's "You're not supposed to be in there…you're not supposed to be in there!" following the camera is deeply chilling. It

IFC has commercials, though, so maybe the runtime is a bit shorter?

Another show-stopper, until Blanche interrupts it. (Sorry Beth Dover — I love you, but Natasha's singing voice is like buttuh.)

The media, rightly or wrongly, tends to view "things that are surprising and/or in flux" as more newsworthy than "things that are important."

I've been in favor of it all along, on the grounds that at least an all-female Ghostbusters reboot has something to prove, and can't just be a cash-grab/sleepwalk with a garbage script existing primarily to cross-promote Ray-Bans or Happy Meals or some shit.

I think it was easier in the days before 24 hour wall to wall entertainment media. These days even knowing a rumor about casting is enough for some underpaid PA to go tattling to TMZ or Buzzfeed; if it was happening now, some flack somewhere would've overheard a phone call they shouldn't and spilled the beans for 10

I think he meant you've never been marginally talented at fucking when you're wasted.

Would you like to see her in a TV show?

Tron: Uprising, same.

Hey, I was a 10-year-old who was into late '70s urban post-apocalypse movies! It could happen!

Two from Angels' Revenge, my favorite MST3K of all time:

I have a suspicion that wild bully kid Drew might be doing a riff on Luther, leader of the Rogues, who murders Cyrus and attempts to frame The Warriors in their titular 1979 film. At the climax, when Swan asks him why, he replies, "No reason. I just like doing things like that."

Years ago, on one of his first appearances on The Daily Show, Fareed Zakaria came on to discuss the Middle East and promote a book. When the interview started, he gave fair warning (charmingly as always) that his agent had helped him prepare and he'd been told that he should talk about the book at every opportunity.

For that matter, he was the only person in the first G.I. Joe movie not to get the memo that he was supposed to be playing an action movie soldier, not a real soldier.

ABC Family was also the network that ran the late, lamented The Middleman. For that gift, I'm prepared to ignore the rest of their branding if something that looks halfway decent bobs to the surface.

I saw an interview with Jonah Hill — I think it might've been on Craig Ferguson, or maybe Jon Stewart — where he mentioned that Channing Tatum was really nervous about making 21 Jump Street because he'd only ever done drama before and wasn't sure he knew how to be funny in a movie.

The Xenstar judge: “Counselor?” Beth and Greg: “Yes?”