
Best parental casting since Jeff Goldblum as Ruxin Senior on The League. Essman was a home run, but those of us who've seen Bob Balaban in Christopher Guest movies (and Wes Anderson movies, for that matter) also knew he would bring the right energy to round out the Wexler clan. I'm gonna need to see these two at

Add extra feels to any relationship with this great new party game everyone can play! Disappointing Felicity, available anywhere the writers are bored. For 2-4 players.

IMHO it's destiny that Shayera decides to embrace (or at least explore) after her Absorbicron experience. Motherhood is a part of that, so she wants to know about her son as a window into the choices she will make in the future Batman saw. It still feels like a character shift, since Shayera has been nothing if not

So here's a thing: sometimes, people play with language for no better reason than to amuse themselves. This is no cause for alarm, and can safely be ignored if you are not also amused.

Pets Meat and Leaves?

I think they also used to make Soft & Dri or something as well, didn't they? As a child I remember reacting to the dissonance of a female-branded hygiene product being created "byyyyy Men-nen" by responding "byyyyy Lady-ady" to their commercials.

Who knew there was so much money in toenail fungus remedies? I wonder if this signifies a growing epidemic in this country — like how we knew the economy was bottoming out when Cash 4 Gold was able to afford a Super Bowl commercial.

Horseshoe sandwiches. Another plus of being in Springfield.

I have to chuckle at the conceit that it is the media, and specifically the good graces of beat reporter Brian Murphy of the St. Paul Pioneer Press, that underlies the success of a $10B industry. Something tells me that even in the absence of the semi-informed blather of a bunch of indifferent writers, the viewing

It can be so easy to feel as if literally everyone else in the world
had a wizard visit them and bestow them this gift and for you to feel
like you missed out on it.

I liked that one of the magazine's headlines was "The Women of Pro Puzzling." Professional puzzlers? How would that even—? And then I'm imagining something like that brief flurry of interest in televised poker, when the WSOP was on Bravo and/or ESPN, with commentary and etc.

I enjoyed it enough that I'm willing to trust my nine-year-old self and shell out for the DVD once my tax return comes in, so I'll let you know. :)

Oddly, it reminded me most of "Wizards and Warriors", a mostly-forgotten fantasy dramedy (without songs) from 1983. Nine-year-old me, already thoroughly steeped in the Dungeons & Dragons fandom that consumes me to this day, loved it, and was sad that there were only 8 episodes.

Oddly, his Fitbit characterized that display as a 7.5-mile run.

It's the only way to preserve the maximum resale value. This little beauty is both a Mint In Box AND a Genuine Game Ball, ladies and gentlemen! How much am I bid?

In today's context, it's kind of disturbing to see "small handgun loaded with a single bullet" and "Aaron Hernandez" in consecutive paragraphs.

Just think — he was almost Star-Lord!